FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions
Dear friends
Finally, the FBI has figured out that CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations) is not an organization it should be dealing with. This “better late than never” bombshell is reported in the Investigative Project on Terrorism story below.
Not only is this wonderful and welcome news that should encourage us that we are in fact seeing progress made in the effort to roll back the tide of Islamofascism. The timing is impeccable.
We have learned that CAIR is planning a lobbying blitz in Congress next week. ACT! for America members, it’s time to take ACTION !!!
Send emails and faxes, starting today and continuing through the weekend, to your Member of Congress and two Senators asking that they not meet with CAIR given that the FBI has severed contacts with CAIR. Include the story below in your emails and faxes. (Click here to find contact information for your Member of Congress and Senators).
On Monday or Tuesday place a follow-up call to your Member of Congress and two Senators. Ask to speak to their Defense or National Security Legislative Assistant (LA). When you have the LA on the phone, ask (1) if they got your email or fax and the article; (2) if they read it; (3) if the Member of Congress or Senator is aware of the issue. If the LA has not seen or read the email or fax, send it again if necessary.
If you don’t reach the LA, leave a message and phone number, and if you don’t hear back by the next day, call again!
Forward this email to everyone you know! And email us at info@actforamerica.org to let us know what response you get from your contacts to Congress.
FBI Cuts Off CAIR Over Hamas Questions
by Mary Jacoby
IPT News
January 29, 2009
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has cut off contacts with the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) amid mounting concern about the Muslim advocacy group's roots in a Hamas-support network, the Investigative Project on Terrorism has learned.
The decision to end contacts with CAIR was made quietly last summer as federal prosecutors prepared for a second trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF), an Islamic charity accused of providing money and political support to the terrorist group Hamas, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
CAIR and its chairman emeritus, Omar Ahmad, were named un-indicted co-conspirators in the HLF case. Both Ahmad and CAIR's current national executive director, Nihad Awad, were revealed on government wiretaps as having been active participants in early Hamas-related organizational meetings in the United States. During testimony, FBI agent Lara Burns described CAIR as a front organization.
Hamas is a US-designated foreign terrorist organization, and it's been illegal since 1995 to provide support to it within the United States.
The decision to end contacts with CAIR is a significant policy change for the FBI. For years, the FBI worked with the national organization and its state chapters to address Muslim community concerns about the potential for hate crimes and other civil liberty violations in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
But critics said the FBI improperly conferred legitimacy on CAIR by meeting with its officials, even as its own investigative files contained evidence of CAIR leaders' ties to Hamas.
Last autumn, FBI field offices began notifying state CAIR chapters that bureau officials could no longer meet with them until CAIR's national leadership in Washington had addressed issues raised by the HLF trial, according to people with knowledge of the notifications.
CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper declined to comment Wednesday when the IPT called for comment. Before hanging up, Hooper said "We're more than happy to cooperate with legitimate media. But we don't cooperate with those who promote anti-Muslim bigotry."
In one letter obtained by IPT News, James E. Finch, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI's Oklahoma City field office, canceled a meeting of the local Muslim Community Outreach Program, a state-federal program designed to enlist Muslims in terrorism prevention and investigate reports of civil liberties violations.
"Regrettably, due to circumstances beyond my control, the meeting will be postponed until further notice as a result of the planned participation by the Oklahoma chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations," Finch's Oct. 8, 2008 letter to Muslim groups in the Oklahoma outreach program said.
Finch made clear the Oklahoma office valued its relationship with local Muslims. He said the stumbling block to further outreach was CAIR's national leadership.
"[I]f CAIR wishes to pursue an outreach relationship with the FBI, certain issues must be addressed to the satisfaction of the FBI. Unfortunately, these issues cannot be addressed at the local level and must be addressed by the CAIR National Office in Washington, D.C.," the letter said.
A spokesman for the FBI's Oklahoma City office referred questions about the letter to the FBI's national press office. In Washington, FBI spokesman John Miller said, "We've certainly been in contact with CAIR chapters" about the un-indicted co-conspirator designation. "The letter speaks for itself."
Letters with similar wording were sent in other states, people with knowledge of the matter said. It is not known how many letters were issued, but the FBI has had strong working relationships with CAIR chapters in states including Ohio, Michigan, Arizona and Florida.
Hamas was formed in 1987 as the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, the global Islamic political movement that aims to spread the rule of Shariah, or Islamic law, throughout the world.
A North American branch of the Brotherhood supervised HLF, CAIR and other organizations to build political, financial and public relations support for Hamas, evidence at the HLF trial showed.
The U.S.-based Brotherhood formed a Palestine Committee, headed by Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook, in 1988 during the first intifada uprising in Palestinian territories against Israel. Hamas's stated policy is for the destruction of Israel.
CAIR co-founders Ahmad and Awad were early active members of the Palestine Committee, evidence showed. Wiretaps recorded the two CAIR leaders participating in strategy meetings of the committee in the 1990s, and both were also on a phone list of its members, the evidence showed.
The first HLF trial in Texas ended in a mistrial in October 2007. In November 2008, the second trial resulted in convictions of five former HLF officials on all counts of providing material support to Hamas.
It is unclear what changed between the first and second HLF trials to make the FBI rescind its policy of outreach to CAIR. The un-indicted co-conspirator designations were made on May 27, 2007 in connection with the first HLF trial. Moreover, much of the evidence linking the CAIR officials to Hamas was aired in an earlier public trial in 2006.
CAIR, however, vigorously challenged the un-indicted co-conspirator designation as a violation of its First and Fifth Amendment rights, accusing the government of "demonization of all things Muslim" in a brief filed in the summer of 2007 with the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas.
Click here to continue reading this article.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
A Sad and Dangerous Day! As the US participates in similar insanity!
Dear Friends, it's a sad and dangerous day!
In a stunning decision, a Dutch court has ruled that Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders has committed criminal “hate speech” due to his public criticisms of Islam, and should be prosecuted. (See the International Free Press Society release below).
When a court takes such a step in a country as “progressive” as the Netherlands, every person who cherishes liberty and the right of free speech should shudder.
Mr. Wilders has, at the risk of his own life, courageously spoken out against Islamofascism and everything that comes with it. The decision of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals is a crushing blow to free speech and a victory for radical Islamists who are bent on suppressing any public criticism of their ideology.
This is why we keep issuing warnings and action alerts to you about how politically correct governmental actions, in league with radical Islam, are moving us ever closer to the day where we cannot speak out against an evil that has produced 270 million deaths and caused untold suffering over the past 14 centuries.
This is why we must build a powerful, informed and organized citizen action network that will stand in unity against the evil of Islamofascism and the political correctness that aids and abets it. Whether we are Democrats, Independents or Republicans…conservatives, moderates or liberals…there is no choice. We cannot allow America to sink to a place where an American prosecutor would obtain an indictment against a Member of Congress for criticizing Islam.
If you would like to help us further this effort, whether by making a contribution or helping to start or get involved in a local chapter, please log on to www.actforamerica.org today.
While the Dutch court seeks to censor, through unjust criminal prosecution, the kind of political speech that has been the hallmark of free countries, it looks the other way when radical Muslims in its country call for the death of infidels and praise Hitler for what he did to the Jews.
The message is clear. It’s okay for a radical Muslim to call for your death, but don’t you dare criticize the Muslim for doing so.
The International Free Press Society
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
January 22, 2009 - Washington, DC and Copenhagen, Denmark: A Dutch court yesterday ordered the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders, Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), for his statements - written, spoken and filmed -regarding Islam. The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has deemed such statements "insulting," declaring that they "substantially harm the religious esteem" of Muslims.
Clearly, the effect of this Dutch court order is to set new limits to public debate in Dutch society, in this case about the highly controversial but nonetheless crucially important subject of Islam. This makes the prosecution of Geert Wilders an unacceptable breach of the sanctity of freedom of speech in Western society.
Having ordered a criminal prosecution for the opinions of a duly elected leader of a legitimate political party, Dutch authorities have dealt a devastating blow to political expression. While Dutch prosecutors prepare their indictment and Geert Wilders' future hangs in limbo, who in The Netherlands will dare discuss political and cultural matters related to Islam - Islamic law, Islamic integration, Islamic crime, Islamic policy - openly, freely and fearlessly? The chilling effect is instantaneous. If, indeed, Wilders is ultimately convicted, free speech will cease to exist in the heart of Europe.
The International Free Press Society believes this court-ordered prosecution against Geert Wilders, a central figure in the fight against the Islamization of the West, amounts to a dangerous concession to the strictures of Islamic law, which prohibits all criticism of Islam, over Western traditions of, and rights to robust and unfettered debate. As such, it is tantamount to a surrender to totalitarian influences that undermine all Western freedoms. And as such, it must be resisted.
It is important to recall recent history. Two Dutchmen, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, have been murdered for their outspoken opposition to Islamization in The Netherlands. Another Dutch politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has been infamously forced into exile. Wilders alone now carries this debate over Islam in Dutch society forward - forcefully but logically, outspokenly but reasonably, and always peacefully. In order to do so, this member of Dutch parliament lives in a virtual prison, consigned to 24-hour guard by Islamic death threats against his life. Now, Dutch authorities have ordered him to be prosecuted for the Orwellian crime of committing "insulting" words.
As Wilders puts it, "If I have to stand trial, I will not stand trial alone, but also with the hundreds of thousands of Dutch people who reject the Islamization of The Netherlands." He will also stand trial with those in The Netherlands and beyond who reject government prosecutions of free speech. In recognition of this dire situation, the IFPS immediately calls on every supporter of free speech to come to the aid of Geert Wilders. To assist in this effort, the IFPS has launched an international campaign in defense of Geert Wilders and his freedom of speech.
To support these efforts, we urge you to contribute to the Geert Wilders Defense Fund. Donation information can be found at the IFPS website at http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org.
ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Hardhitting Patriot Preacher Warns Of Fresh Threat From New Congress
By John Tiffany
On Jan. 5, liberal Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (DTexas) reintroduced so-called hate crimes legislation in Congress. The bill is numbered H.R. 254.Hate crimes laws the brainchild of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of Bnai Brith are found in states and locales across America, but this new measure in Congress would enact a federal hate crime statute.
Essentially, hate crimes laws would add additional criminal penalties upon anyone convicted of a crime against an individual when that crime, according to the proposed legislation, is motivated by the actual or PERCEIVED race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability of the victim.
In short, although there are already laws against shooting someone and killing them it's called murder if a perpetrator is found to have committed that crime because of an ALLEGED bias against the victim, it would now be considered a federal crime because of that bias. There will be at least an additional 10 year federal penalty applied, even if for example someone only punched another person. If death results in the course of such a so-called hate crime being committed, a life sentence in prison is provided for under this federal legislation.
This is thought control legislation and a piece of police-state-style social engineering disguised in the mask of fighting hate. And it constitutes not just a toe in the door, but a veritable jackboot, for, in other countries where the ADL and its allied groups have forced the enactment of hate crimes laws, legislation outlawing even criticism of minorities has traditionally followed.
The new hate crimes measure is entitled The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Actor, as it's being popularly called by its proponents, David's Law. The law is named in memory of a young man who was brutally murdered, sodomized with a lead pipe by his attacker who apparently committed the crime against Ray because Ray was a homosexual.
A hate crimes measure was approved by the House of Representatives in the previous Congress, despite the fact that Republicans were in control of the House at that time. And what many do not realize is that the single use of a racial pejorative, for example, such as the so-called "n" word, can be construed as evidence of a hate crime, even though nasty words are often traded by people engaged in simple fisticuffs.
Or, if a black youth, fighting in the street with a Latino schoolmate, used a racial slur offensive to Latinos, that black youth could be held responsible for a federal hate crime if he struck the Latino in the course of using the inappropriate slur.
Rev. Ted Pike, who has been spearheading opposition to the federal hate crimes laws and who has done so successfully in the past points out that, in other countries, socalled hate crimes legislation has been the toe in the doorway for additional thought control legislation aimed at limiting freedom of speech in general.
For example, if an individual, citing Biblical exhortations against homosexuality, is found to have offended the sensibilities of homosexuals, then that person may be punished for having done so. This is happening today in Canada, in France and in any number of other countries where antihate legislation is in force. Or, if someone criticizes the policies of the Anti-Defamation League or the state of Israel, they may be found to have offended Jewish supporters of Israel and therefore punished for having done so.
The fact that Arab-American organizations have repeatedly joined the ADL-led chorus demanding hate-crimes legislation in America is rather thought-provoking, considering the fact that Arab Americans who frequently criticize Israel would be among the first targeted by the kind of thought control legislation that has traditionally come in the wake of the kind of hate crimes legislation that the ADL is now trying to have enacted at the federal level in the United States.
Now, in the judgment of Pike, because the Democrats are in control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate, there will be an even greater push to get the legislation enacted.
That�s why Pike is urging those who oppose this insidious legislation to redouble their efforts to block H.R. 254 so that it never reaches the floor of the House. H.R. 254 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee, and Pike suggests that people contact all members of the committee and urge that they oppose the legislation.
Pike suggests that you keep your message short and to the point: �Please don't vote for the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, H.R.254. Hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and many European countries.
You can write all of the representatives in question (as well as your own representative and every member of the House) in care of the following general address: U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. To telephone members of the House, you may use the regular number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 1-(202) 224-3121. Or there is a toll free number you may use: 1-877-851-6437.
(Issue #8, February 19, 2007)
Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003
In a stunning decision, a Dutch court has ruled that Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders has committed criminal “hate speech” due to his public criticisms of Islam, and should be prosecuted. (See the International Free Press Society release below).
When a court takes such a step in a country as “progressive” as the Netherlands, every person who cherishes liberty and the right of free speech should shudder.
Mr. Wilders has, at the risk of his own life, courageously spoken out against Islamofascism and everything that comes with it. The decision of the Amsterdam Court of Appeals is a crushing blow to free speech and a victory for radical Islamists who are bent on suppressing any public criticism of their ideology.
This is why we keep issuing warnings and action alerts to you about how politically correct governmental actions, in league with radical Islam, are moving us ever closer to the day where we cannot speak out against an evil that has produced 270 million deaths and caused untold suffering over the past 14 centuries.
This is why we must build a powerful, informed and organized citizen action network that will stand in unity against the evil of Islamofascism and the political correctness that aids and abets it. Whether we are Democrats, Independents or Republicans…conservatives, moderates or liberals…there is no choice. We cannot allow America to sink to a place where an American prosecutor would obtain an indictment against a Member of Congress for criticizing Islam.
If you would like to help us further this effort, whether by making a contribution or helping to start or get involved in a local chapter, please log on to www.actforamerica.org today.
While the Dutch court seeks to censor, through unjust criminal prosecution, the kind of political speech that has been the hallmark of free countries, it looks the other way when radical Muslims in its country call for the death of infidels and praise Hitler for what he did to the Jews.
The message is clear. It’s okay for a radical Muslim to call for your death, but don’t you dare criticize the Muslim for doing so.
The International Free Press Society
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
January 22, 2009 - Washington, DC and Copenhagen, Denmark: A Dutch court yesterday ordered the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders, Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), for his statements - written, spoken and filmed -regarding Islam. The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has deemed such statements "insulting," declaring that they "substantially harm the religious esteem" of Muslims.
Clearly, the effect of this Dutch court order is to set new limits to public debate in Dutch society, in this case about the highly controversial but nonetheless crucially important subject of Islam. This makes the prosecution of Geert Wilders an unacceptable breach of the sanctity of freedom of speech in Western society.
Having ordered a criminal prosecution for the opinions of a duly elected leader of a legitimate political party, Dutch authorities have dealt a devastating blow to political expression. While Dutch prosecutors prepare their indictment and Geert Wilders' future hangs in limbo, who in The Netherlands will dare discuss political and cultural matters related to Islam - Islamic law, Islamic integration, Islamic crime, Islamic policy - openly, freely and fearlessly? The chilling effect is instantaneous. If, indeed, Wilders is ultimately convicted, free speech will cease to exist in the heart of Europe.
The International Free Press Society believes this court-ordered prosecution against Geert Wilders, a central figure in the fight against the Islamization of the West, amounts to a dangerous concession to the strictures of Islamic law, which prohibits all criticism of Islam, over Western traditions of, and rights to robust and unfettered debate. As such, it is tantamount to a surrender to totalitarian influences that undermine all Western freedoms. And as such, it must be resisted.
It is important to recall recent history. Two Dutchmen, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, have been murdered for their outspoken opposition to Islamization in The Netherlands. Another Dutch politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has been infamously forced into exile. Wilders alone now carries this debate over Islam in Dutch society forward - forcefully but logically, outspokenly but reasonably, and always peacefully. In order to do so, this member of Dutch parliament lives in a virtual prison, consigned to 24-hour guard by Islamic death threats against his life. Now, Dutch authorities have ordered him to be prosecuted for the Orwellian crime of committing "insulting" words.
As Wilders puts it, "If I have to stand trial, I will not stand trial alone, but also with the hundreds of thousands of Dutch people who reject the Islamization of The Netherlands." He will also stand trial with those in The Netherlands and beyond who reject government prosecutions of free speech. In recognition of this dire situation, the IFPS immediately calls on every supporter of free speech to come to the aid of Geert Wilders. To assist in this effort, the IFPS has launched an international campaign in defense of Geert Wilders and his freedom of speech.
To support these efforts, we urge you to contribute to the Geert Wilders Defense Fund. Donation information can be found at the IFPS website at http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org.
ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Hardhitting Patriot Preacher Warns Of Fresh Threat From New Congress
By John Tiffany
On Jan. 5, liberal Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (DTexas) reintroduced so-called hate crimes legislation in Congress. The bill is numbered H.R. 254.Hate crimes laws the brainchild of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of Bnai Brith are found in states and locales across America, but this new measure in Congress would enact a federal hate crime statute.
Essentially, hate crimes laws would add additional criminal penalties upon anyone convicted of a crime against an individual when that crime, according to the proposed legislation, is motivated by the actual or PERCEIVED race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or disability of the victim.
In short, although there are already laws against shooting someone and killing them it's called murder if a perpetrator is found to have committed that crime because of an ALLEGED bias against the victim, it would now be considered a federal crime because of that bias. There will be at least an additional 10 year federal penalty applied, even if for example someone only punched another person. If death results in the course of such a so-called hate crime being committed, a life sentence in prison is provided for under this federal legislation.
This is thought control legislation and a piece of police-state-style social engineering disguised in the mask of fighting hate. And it constitutes not just a toe in the door, but a veritable jackboot, for, in other countries where the ADL and its allied groups have forced the enactment of hate crimes laws, legislation outlawing even criticism of minorities has traditionally followed.
The new hate crimes measure is entitled The David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Actor, as it's being popularly called by its proponents, David's Law. The law is named in memory of a young man who was brutally murdered, sodomized with a lead pipe by his attacker who apparently committed the crime against Ray because Ray was a homosexual.
A hate crimes measure was approved by the House of Representatives in the previous Congress, despite the fact that Republicans were in control of the House at that time. And what many do not realize is that the single use of a racial pejorative, for example, such as the so-called "n" word, can be construed as evidence of a hate crime, even though nasty words are often traded by people engaged in simple fisticuffs.
Or, if a black youth, fighting in the street with a Latino schoolmate, used a racial slur offensive to Latinos, that black youth could be held responsible for a federal hate crime if he struck the Latino in the course of using the inappropriate slur.
Rev. Ted Pike, who has been spearheading opposition to the federal hate crimes laws and who has done so successfully in the past points out that, in other countries, socalled hate crimes legislation has been the toe in the doorway for additional thought control legislation aimed at limiting freedom of speech in general.
For example, if an individual, citing Biblical exhortations against homosexuality, is found to have offended the sensibilities of homosexuals, then that person may be punished for having done so. This is happening today in Canada, in France and in any number of other countries where antihate legislation is in force. Or, if someone criticizes the policies of the Anti-Defamation League or the state of Israel, they may be found to have offended Jewish supporters of Israel and therefore punished for having done so.
The fact that Arab-American organizations have repeatedly joined the ADL-led chorus demanding hate-crimes legislation in America is rather thought-provoking, considering the fact that Arab Americans who frequently criticize Israel would be among the first targeted by the kind of thought control legislation that has traditionally come in the wake of the kind of hate crimes legislation that the ADL is now trying to have enacted at the federal level in the United States.
Now, in the judgment of Pike, because the Democrats are in control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate, there will be an even greater push to get the legislation enacted.
That�s why Pike is urging those who oppose this insidious legislation to redouble their efforts to block H.R. 254 so that it never reaches the floor of the House. H.R. 254 has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee, and Pike suggests that people contact all members of the committee and urge that they oppose the legislation.
Pike suggests that you keep your message short and to the point: �Please don't vote for the David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act, H.R.254. Hate laws have taken away free speech in Canada and many European countries.
You can write all of the representatives in question (as well as your own representative and every member of the House) in care of the following general address: U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. To telephone members of the House, you may use the regular number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard at 1-(202) 224-3121. Or there is a toll free number you may use: 1-877-851-6437.
(Issue #8, February 19, 2007)
Not Copyrighted. Readers can reprint and are free to redistribute - as long as full credit is given to American Free Press - 645 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100 Washington, D.C. 20003
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
The International Free Press Society
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
For more information, contact:
Lars Hedegaard
President, IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
(301) 466-0248
January 22, 2009 - Washington, DC and Copenhagen, Denmark: A Dutch court yesterday ordered the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders, Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), for his statements - written, spoken and filmed -regarding Islam. The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has deemed such statements "insulting," declaring that they "substantially harm the religious esteem" of Muslims.
Clearly, the effect of this Dutch court order is to set new limits to public debate in Dutch society, in this case about the highly controversial but nonetheless crucially important subject of Islam. This makes the prosecution of Geert Wilders an unacceptable breach of the sanctity of freedom of speech in Western society.
Having ordered a criminal prosecution for the opinions of a duly elected leader of a legitimate political party, Dutch authorities have dealt a devastating blow to political expression. While Dutch prosecutors prepare their indictment and Geert Wilders' future hangs in limbo, who in The Netherlands will dare discuss political and cultural matters related to Islam - Islamic law, Islamic integration, Islamic crime, Islamic policy - openly, freely and fearlessly? The chilling effect is instantaneous. If, indeed, Wilders is ultimately convicted, free speech will cease to exist in the heart of Europe.
The International Free Press Society believes this court-ordered prosecution against Geert Wilders, a central figure in the fight against the Islamization of the West, amounts to a dangerous concession to the strictures of Islamic law, which prohibits all criticism of Islam, over Western traditions of, and rights to robust and unfettered debate. As such, it is tantamount to a surrender to totalitarian influences that undermine all Western freedoms. And as such, it must be resisted.
It is important to recall recent history. Two Dutchmen, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, have been murdered for their outspoken opposition to Islamization in The Netherlands. Another Dutch politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has been infamously forced into exile. Wilders alone now carries this debate over Islam in Dutch society forward - forcefully but logically, outspokenly but reasonably, and always peacefully. In order to do so, this member of Dutch parliament lives in a virtual prison, consigned to 24-hour guard by Islamic death threats against his life. Now, Dutch authorities have ordered him to be prosecuted for the Orwellian crime of committing "insulting" words.
As Wilders puts it, "If I have to stand trial, I will not stand trial alone, but also with the hundreds of thousands of Dutch people who reject the Islamization of The Netherlands." He will also stand trial with those in The Netherlands and beyond who reject government prosecutions of free speech. In recognition of this this dire situation, the IFPS immediately calls on every supporter of free speech to come to the aid of Geert Wilders.To assist in this effort, the IFPS has launched an international campaign in defense of Geert Wilders and his freedom of speech.
To support these efforts, we urge you to contribute to the Geert Wilders Defense Fund. Donation information can be found at the IFPS website at http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org .
We also urge defenders of free speech to sign this letter of protest against the Dutch Government
Lars Hedegaard
President of the IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
* * *
The International Free Press Society was established on January 1, 2009.
Read our Policy Statement here
The IFPS Board of Advisors
Asger Aamund
Bat Ye'or
Stephen Coughlin
Rachel Ehrenfeld
David Harris
Ole Hasselbalch
Hans Jansen
Ehsan Jami
Ibn Warraq
Philippe Karsenty
Roger Kimball
Ezra Levant
Andrew C. McCarthy
Nidra Poller
Kathy Shaidle
Roger Scruton
Robert Spencer
Mark Steyn
Allen West
Geert Wilders
The IFPS Board of Directors
Lars Hedegaard, President
Diana West, Vice President
Christine Brim. Secretary
Bjorn Larsen, Treasurer
Edward May, Outreach Coordinator
Paul Belien, Sergeant at Arms
Defend Geert Wilders and Freedom of Speech
For more information, contact:
Lars Hedegaard
President, IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
(301) 466-0248
January 22, 2009 - Washington, DC and Copenhagen, Denmark: A Dutch court yesterday ordered the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders, Dutch parliamentarian and leader of the Freedom Party (PVV), for his statements - written, spoken and filmed -regarding Islam. The Amsterdam Court of Appeals has deemed such statements "insulting," declaring that they "substantially harm the religious esteem" of Muslims.
Clearly, the effect of this Dutch court order is to set new limits to public debate in Dutch society, in this case about the highly controversial but nonetheless crucially important subject of Islam. This makes the prosecution of Geert Wilders an unacceptable breach of the sanctity of freedom of speech in Western society.
Having ordered a criminal prosecution for the opinions of a duly elected leader of a legitimate political party, Dutch authorities have dealt a devastating blow to political expression. While Dutch prosecutors prepare their indictment and Geert Wilders' future hangs in limbo, who in The Netherlands will dare discuss political and cultural matters related to Islam - Islamic law, Islamic integration, Islamic crime, Islamic policy - openly, freely and fearlessly? The chilling effect is instantaneous. If, indeed, Wilders is ultimately convicted, free speech will cease to exist in the heart of Europe.
The International Free Press Society believes this court-ordered prosecution against Geert Wilders, a central figure in the fight against the Islamization of the West, amounts to a dangerous concession to the strictures of Islamic law, which prohibits all criticism of Islam, over Western traditions of, and rights to robust and unfettered debate. As such, it is tantamount to a surrender to totalitarian influences that undermine all Western freedoms. And as such, it must be resisted.
It is important to recall recent history. Two Dutchmen, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh, have been murdered for their outspoken opposition to Islamization in The Netherlands. Another Dutch politician, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, has been infamously forced into exile. Wilders alone now carries this debate over Islam in Dutch society forward - forcefully but logically, outspokenly but reasonably, and always peacefully. In order to do so, this member of Dutch parliament lives in a virtual prison, consigned to 24-hour guard by Islamic death threats against his life. Now, Dutch authorities have ordered him to be prosecuted for the Orwellian crime of committing "insulting" words.
As Wilders puts it, "If I have to stand trial, I will not stand trial alone, but also with the hundreds of thousands of Dutch people who reject the Islamization of The Netherlands." He will also stand trial with those in The Netherlands and beyond who reject government prosecutions of free speech. In recognition of this this dire situation, the IFPS immediately calls on every supporter of free speech to come to the aid of Geert Wilders.To assist in this effort, the IFPS has launched an international campaign in defense of Geert Wilders and his freedom of speech.
To support these efforts, we urge you to contribute to the Geert Wilders Defense Fund. Donation information can be found at the IFPS website at http://www.internationalfreepresssociety.org .
We also urge defenders of free speech to sign this letter of protest against the Dutch Government
Lars Hedegaard
President of the IFPS
Diana West
Vice President
* * *
The International Free Press Society was established on January 1, 2009.
Read our Policy Statement here
The IFPS Board of Advisors
Asger Aamund
Bat Ye'or
Stephen Coughlin
Rachel Ehrenfeld
David Harris
Ole Hasselbalch
Hans Jansen
Ehsan Jami
Ibn Warraq
Philippe Karsenty
Roger Kimball
Ezra Levant
Andrew C. McCarthy
Nidra Poller
Kathy Shaidle
Roger Scruton
Robert Spencer
Mark Steyn
Allen West
Geert Wilders
The IFPS Board of Directors
Lars Hedegaard, President
Diana West, Vice President
Christine Brim. Secretary
Bjorn Larsen, Treasurer
Edward May, Outreach Coordinator
Paul Belien, Sergeant at Arms
Media Gives Platform to Radical Doctor
Media Gives Platform to Radical Doctor - NO BIG SURPRISE HERE!
Portrayed as the epitome of courage under fire, Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert has appeared on television screens around the world and in the pages of many newspapers, including the BBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Independent, Sky News, and New York Times. Now, the AFP reports:
"There's a very strong suspicion I think that Gaza is now being used as a test laboratory for new weapons," Mads Gilbert told reporters at Oslo's Gardermoen airport, commenting on the kinds of injuries he and his colleague Erik Fosse had seen while working at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
The two medics, who were sent into the war zone by the pro-Palestinian aid organisation NORWAC on December 31, said they had seen clear signs that Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME), an experimental kind of explosive, were being used in Gaza.
"This is a new generation of very powerful small explosives that detonates with an extreme power and dissipates its power within a range of five to 10 metres (16-98 feet)," said Gilbert, 61.
"We have not seen the casualties affected directly by the bomb because they are normally torn to pieces and do not survive, but we have seen a number of very brutal amputations... without shrapnel injuries which we strongly suspect must have been caused by the DIME weapons," he added.
In a separate AFP report, Gilbert claims: "Gaza in 2009 is becoming a new bloody chapter in Palestinian and Middle Eastern history that is, unfortunately, comparable to Sabra and Shatila," in an attempt to smear Israel for the 1982 massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps that was committed by Christian Phalangists.
But who is Dr. Mads Gilbert? Is he a credible and objective medical practitioner? Noting Gilbert's many media appearances, Melanie Phillips writes:
Gilbert was presented as just an ordinary doctor. But Gilbert appears not to be just an ordinary doctor. He is a political activist and member of the Norwegian Maoist 'Red' party. Not only is he viscerally hostile to Israel and a long-standing activist in the Palestinian 'solidarity' movement, but he even supported the 9/11 attacks. A reader posting on this website -- which features a video of further inflammatory remarks by Gilbert -- provided his own translation of Gilbert's remarks to this effect, as well as Gilbert's Wikipedia entry which contained the following (translated from Norwegian):
Shortly after the attack on the World Trade Center in the United States in September 2001 stirred the excitement when Gilbert defended oppressed moral right to attack the United States. 'If the U.S. government has a legitimate right to bomb and kill civilians in Iraq, they have also suppressed a moral right to attack the United States with the weapons they had to create. Dead civilians are the same whether they are Americans, Palestinians or Iraqis.' On the direct question whether he supported the terrorist attacks on the United States, Gilbert said: 'Terror is a bad weapon, but the answer is yes, within the context I have mentioned.'
Why are media outlets relying on a radical Marxist anti-Israel propagandist for comment? And why are they portraying him as a neutral and objective source? Write to any media you see continuing to quote Dr. Mads Gilbert.
For more on Gilbert, see CAMERA's expose.
This is the cover of Time Magazine's latest edition. With a Star of David behind a wall and barbed wire, it is impossible to ignore the parallel between Israel's actions in Gaza and the Nazi Holocaust - a false association employed by those who seek to delegitimize Israel.
Send your complaints to Time Magazine - letters@time.com
As reported by The Jerusalem Post, HonestReporting is proud to announce that more than 43,000 people signed its online petition demanding fair coverage of the Gaza conflict in the mainstream press.
The petition stated, "I call on the media to provide balanced, objective coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict and not rely on information from Hamas - a terrorist organization - as a source of news. I demand that the use of images and headlines that misrepresent current events to the detriment of the State of Israel be stopped immediately."
HonestReporting delivered the petition on Monday, January 12, to the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, CNN, and the BBC.
HonestReporting CEO Joe Hyams said the media must realize that some stories do not have two equal sides. "If someone is outside my house with a gun pointed at my daughter, I don't want Israel sending a single soldier with a little gun to protect us, just so no one screams about excessive force," Hyams said. "I want them to use whatever they've got to keep my family and my neighbors safe. We don’t have to apologize for building shelters to protect our children.
"Journalists have an ethical obligation to stop making the news and start reporting it," Hyams added. "It is time for the era of 'hemorrhoid journalism' to come to an end. Journalists need to get off the fence and understand that 'non-judgment' is itself a judgment.
"Reporters are responsible for this monstrous myth that Israel wants to harm the children of Gaza. It fails to recognize the hatred delivered in classrooms of Islamic regimes across the Middle East that will bear fruits of terror on every western shore. At that point, the world might thank Israel for being the first to stand up against pure evil."
Thank you to everyone who signed the petition.
Video: The discovery by Israeli troops of a zoo and a school wired with explosives by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, 11 Jan 2009
Video: Footage of Israel Air Force guided missile fire against terrorist targets being aborted due to the unexpected proximity of uninvolved civilians, 11 Jan 2009
Live feed from Israel-Gaza aid crossing at Kerem Shalom (Note: Most activity takes place during morning hours Israel GMT+2)
HonestReporting. com
Portrayed as the epitome of courage under fire, Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert has appeared on television screens around the world and in the pages of many newspapers, including the BBC, CBS, CNN, ABC, Independent, Sky News, and New York Times. Now, the AFP reports:
"There's a very strong suspicion I think that Gaza is now being used as a test laboratory for new weapons," Mads Gilbert told reporters at Oslo's Gardermoen airport, commenting on the kinds of injuries he and his colleague Erik Fosse had seen while working at the Shifa Hospital in Gaza.
The two medics, who were sent into the war zone by the pro-Palestinian aid organisation NORWAC on December 31, said they had seen clear signs that Dense Inert Metal Explosives (DIME), an experimental kind of explosive, were being used in Gaza.
"This is a new generation of very powerful small explosives that detonates with an extreme power and dissipates its power within a range of five to 10 metres (16-98 feet)," said Gilbert, 61.
"We have not seen the casualties affected directly by the bomb because they are normally torn to pieces and do not survive, but we have seen a number of very brutal amputations... without shrapnel injuries which we strongly suspect must have been caused by the DIME weapons," he added.
In a separate AFP report, Gilbert claims: "Gaza in 2009 is becoming a new bloody chapter in Palestinian and Middle Eastern history that is, unfortunately, comparable to Sabra and Shatila," in an attempt to smear Israel for the 1982 massacre in the Palestinian refugee camps that was committed by Christian Phalangists.
But who is Dr. Mads Gilbert? Is he a credible and objective medical practitioner? Noting Gilbert's many media appearances, Melanie Phillips writes:
Gilbert was presented as just an ordinary doctor. But Gilbert appears not to be just an ordinary doctor. He is a political activist and member of the Norwegian Maoist 'Red' party. Not only is he viscerally hostile to Israel and a long-standing activist in the Palestinian 'solidarity' movement, but he even supported the 9/11 attacks. A reader posting on this website -- which features a video of further inflammatory remarks by Gilbert -- provided his own translation of Gilbert's remarks to this effect, as well as Gilbert's Wikipedia entry which contained the following (translated from Norwegian):
Shortly after the attack on the World Trade Center in the United States in September 2001 stirred the excitement when Gilbert defended oppressed moral right to attack the United States. 'If the U.S. government has a legitimate right to bomb and kill civilians in Iraq, they have also suppressed a moral right to attack the United States with the weapons they had to create. Dead civilians are the same whether they are Americans, Palestinians or Iraqis.' On the direct question whether he supported the terrorist attacks on the United States, Gilbert said: 'Terror is a bad weapon, but the answer is yes, within the context I have mentioned.'
Why are media outlets relying on a radical Marxist anti-Israel propagandist for comment? And why are they portraying him as a neutral and objective source? Write to any media you see continuing to quote Dr. Mads Gilbert.
For more on Gilbert, see CAMERA's expose.
This is the cover of Time Magazine's latest edition. With a Star of David behind a wall and barbed wire, it is impossible to ignore the parallel between Israel's actions in Gaza and the Nazi Holocaust - a false association employed by those who seek to delegitimize Israel.
Send your complaints to Time Magazine - letters@time.com
As reported by The Jerusalem Post, HonestReporting is proud to announce that more than 43,000 people signed its online petition demanding fair coverage of the Gaza conflict in the mainstream press.
The petition stated, "I call on the media to provide balanced, objective coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict and not rely on information from Hamas - a terrorist organization - as a source of news. I demand that the use of images and headlines that misrepresent current events to the detriment of the State of Israel be stopped immediately."
HonestReporting delivered the petition on Monday, January 12, to the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, CNN, and the BBC.
HonestReporting CEO Joe Hyams said the media must realize that some stories do not have two equal sides. "If someone is outside my house with a gun pointed at my daughter, I don't want Israel sending a single soldier with a little gun to protect us, just so no one screams about excessive force," Hyams said. "I want them to use whatever they've got to keep my family and my neighbors safe. We don’t have to apologize for building shelters to protect our children.
"Journalists have an ethical obligation to stop making the news and start reporting it," Hyams added. "It is time for the era of 'hemorrhoid journalism' to come to an end. Journalists need to get off the fence and understand that 'non-judgment' is itself a judgment.
"Reporters are responsible for this monstrous myth that Israel wants to harm the children of Gaza. It fails to recognize the hatred delivered in classrooms of Islamic regimes across the Middle East that will bear fruits of terror on every western shore. At that point, the world might thank Israel for being the first to stand up against pure evil."
Thank you to everyone who signed the petition.
Video: The discovery by Israeli troops of a zoo and a school wired with explosives by Hamas terrorists in Gaza, 11 Jan 2009
Video: Footage of Israel Air Force guided missile fire against terrorist targets being aborted due to the unexpected proximity of uninvolved civilians, 11 Jan 2009
Live feed from Israel-Gaza aid crossing at Kerem Shalom (Note: Most activity takes place during morning hours Israel GMT+2)
HonestReporting. com
SOP of the Palestinians and Islamofascists
Gaza Doctor Says Death Toll Inflated
What really is behind the numbers reported on the number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip? Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported Thursday that a doctor working in Gaza's Shifa Hospital claimed that Hamas has intentionally inflated the number of casualties resulting from Israel's Operation Cast Lead.
"The number of deceased stands at no more than 500 to 600. Most of them are youths between the ages of 17 to 23 who were recruited to the ranks of Hamas, who sent them to the slaughter," according to the newspaper article....
A Tal al-Hawa resident told the newspaper's reporter, "Armed Hamas men sought out a good position for provoking the Israelis. There were mostly teenagers, aged 16 or 17, and armed. They couldn't do a thing against a tank or a jet. They knew they are much weaker, but they fired at our houses so that they could blame Israel for war crimes."
The reporter for the Italian newspaper also quoted reporters in the Strip who told of Hamas' exaggerated figures, "We have already said to Hamas commanders – why do you insist on inflating the number of victims?"
These same reporters mentioned that the truth that will come out is likely to be similar to what occurred in Operation Defensive Shield in Jenin. "Then, there was first talk of 1,500 deaths. But then it turned out that there were only 54, 45 of which were armed men," the Palestinian reporters told the Italian newspaper.
More info at The Jerusalem Post.
What is it about the BBC and its obsession with Israel? In this story, Israel is compared to Rwanda. According to the BBC:
Rwanda has been described by some as the Israel of Africa.
The ethnic Tutsis of Rwanda experienced their genocide in 1994 but a Tutsi-dominated government then came to power and has ruled ever since.
Like the Israelis, the Tutsis have enemies on their borders, and now they have sent in their powerful army to deal with the ones who have bases in neighbouring DR Congo.
Is the BBC seriously suggesting that Israel is comparable to an African state where tribal warfare led to one of the worst genocides of the modern era? The Rwandan genocide is sometimes held up as an example of how the lessons of the Holocaust were not learned. This is, however, where any similarity ends, particularly when attempting to make any political or military parallels between the two countries. Indeed, this is the first time we have seen such a tenuous comparison made.
Please send your complaints to the BBC and ask why it felt compelled to employ such a downright misleading and erroneous linkage in an article totally unrelated to Mideast matters. You can send your comments to the BBC Complaints website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints (for detailed instructions on how to navigate the BBC Complaints website, click here).
As more foreign journalists gain access to Gaza, different viewpoints from the default attacks on Israel are starting to emerge. Newsweek talked to gunmen who admitted using a hospital for firing at Israel:
One of the most notorious incidents during the war was the Jan. 15 shelling of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society buildings in the downtown Tal-al Hawa part of Gaza City, followed by a shell hitting their Al Quds Hospital next door; the subsequent fire forced all 500 patients to be evacuated . . . In the Tal-al Hawa neighborhood nearby, however, Talal Safadi, an official in the leftist Palestinian People's Party, said that resistance fighters were firing from positions all around the hospital. He shrugged that off, having a bigger beef with Hamas. "They failed to win the battle."
Daily Telegraph correspondent Tim Butcher returned to Gaza for the first time since the war:
I knew Gaza well before the attacks, so when Israel ended its ban on foreign journalists reaching Gaza on the day the ceasefire was announced, I was able to see for myself.
One thing was clear. Gaza City 2009 is not Stalingrad 1944. There had been no carpet bombing of large areas, no firebombing of complete suburbs. Targets had been selected and then hit, often several times, but almost always with precision munitions. Buildings nearby had been damaged and there had been some clear mistakes, like the firebombing of the UN aid headquarters. But, in most the cases, I saw the primary target had borne the brunt. ...
But, for the most part, I was struck by how cosmetically unchanged Gaza appeared to be. It has been a tatty, poorly-maintained mess for decades and the presence of fresh bombsites on streets already lined with broken kerbstones and jerry-built buildings did not make any great difference.
Will your local media be reporting this from Jordan's Petra News Agency?
A number of armed men have seized on Tuesday a Jordanian aid convoy after entering the Gaza Strip via Karem Abu Salem Crossing Point, Petra was informed.
The aid convoy, which was sent by the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), was unloaded to non-Jordanian trucks driven by non-Jordanian drivers after crossing King Hussein Bridge.
The UNRWA was expected to receive the convoy and unload it into its warehouses in Gaza to be distributed later on civilians in the strip.
The armed men opened fire at drivers after crossing Karem Abu Salem crossing point and forced them to head to their own warehouses.
UNRWA has asked the transport company not to send the aid convoys scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday until the issue of the seized convoy is solved.
NGO Monitor examines what international law says about the war in Gaza and how it relates to issues like Gilad Shalit's fate, human shields, proportionate response, indiscriminate attacks, civilian casualties, collective punishment, and war crimes investigations.
HonestReporting. com
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to media bias.
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What really is behind the numbers reported on the number of civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip? Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported Thursday that a doctor working in Gaza's Shifa Hospital claimed that Hamas has intentionally inflated the number of casualties resulting from Israel's Operation Cast Lead.
"The number of deceased stands at no more than 500 to 600. Most of them are youths between the ages of 17 to 23 who were recruited to the ranks of Hamas, who sent them to the slaughter," according to the newspaper article....
A Tal al-Hawa resident told the newspaper's reporter, "Armed Hamas men sought out a good position for provoking the Israelis. There were mostly teenagers, aged 16 or 17, and armed. They couldn't do a thing against a tank or a jet. They knew they are much weaker, but they fired at our houses so that they could blame Israel for war crimes."
The reporter for the Italian newspaper also quoted reporters in the Strip who told of Hamas' exaggerated figures, "We have already said to Hamas commanders – why do you insist on inflating the number of victims?"
These same reporters mentioned that the truth that will come out is likely to be similar to what occurred in Operation Defensive Shield in Jenin. "Then, there was first talk of 1,500 deaths. But then it turned out that there were only 54, 45 of which were armed men," the Palestinian reporters told the Italian newspaper.
More info at The Jerusalem Post.
What is it about the BBC and its obsession with Israel? In this story, Israel is compared to Rwanda. According to the BBC:
Rwanda has been described by some as the Israel of Africa.
The ethnic Tutsis of Rwanda experienced their genocide in 1994 but a Tutsi-dominated government then came to power and has ruled ever since.
Like the Israelis, the Tutsis have enemies on their borders, and now they have sent in their powerful army to deal with the ones who have bases in neighbouring DR Congo.
Is the BBC seriously suggesting that Israel is comparable to an African state where tribal warfare led to one of the worst genocides of the modern era? The Rwandan genocide is sometimes held up as an example of how the lessons of the Holocaust were not learned. This is, however, where any similarity ends, particularly when attempting to make any political or military parallels between the two countries. Indeed, this is the first time we have seen such a tenuous comparison made.
Please send your complaints to the BBC and ask why it felt compelled to employ such a downright misleading and erroneous linkage in an article totally unrelated to Mideast matters. You can send your comments to the BBC Complaints website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/complaints (for detailed instructions on how to navigate the BBC Complaints website, click here).
As more foreign journalists gain access to Gaza, different viewpoints from the default attacks on Israel are starting to emerge. Newsweek talked to gunmen who admitted using a hospital for firing at Israel:
One of the most notorious incidents during the war was the Jan. 15 shelling of the Palestinian Red Crescent Society buildings in the downtown Tal-al Hawa part of Gaza City, followed by a shell hitting their Al Quds Hospital next door; the subsequent fire forced all 500 patients to be evacuated . . . In the Tal-al Hawa neighborhood nearby, however, Talal Safadi, an official in the leftist Palestinian People's Party, said that resistance fighters were firing from positions all around the hospital. He shrugged that off, having a bigger beef with Hamas. "They failed to win the battle."
Daily Telegraph correspondent Tim Butcher returned to Gaza for the first time since the war:
I knew Gaza well before the attacks, so when Israel ended its ban on foreign journalists reaching Gaza on the day the ceasefire was announced, I was able to see for myself.
One thing was clear. Gaza City 2009 is not Stalingrad 1944. There had been no carpet bombing of large areas, no firebombing of complete suburbs. Targets had been selected and then hit, often several times, but almost always with precision munitions. Buildings nearby had been damaged and there had been some clear mistakes, like the firebombing of the UN aid headquarters. But, in most the cases, I saw the primary target had borne the brunt. ...
But, for the most part, I was struck by how cosmetically unchanged Gaza appeared to be. It has been a tatty, poorly-maintained mess for decades and the presence of fresh bombsites on streets already lined with broken kerbstones and jerry-built buildings did not make any great difference.
Will your local media be reporting this from Jordan's Petra News Agency?
A number of armed men have seized on Tuesday a Jordanian aid convoy after entering the Gaza Strip via Karem Abu Salem Crossing Point, Petra was informed.
The aid convoy, which was sent by the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), was unloaded to non-Jordanian trucks driven by non-Jordanian drivers after crossing King Hussein Bridge.
The UNRWA was expected to receive the convoy and unload it into its warehouses in Gaza to be distributed later on civilians in the strip.
The armed men opened fire at drivers after crossing Karem Abu Salem crossing point and forced them to head to their own warehouses.
UNRWA has asked the transport company not to send the aid convoys scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday until the issue of the seized convoy is solved.
NGO Monitor examines what international law says about the war in Gaza and how it relates to issues like Gilad Shalit's fate, human shields, proportionate response, indiscriminate attacks, civilian casualties, collective punishment, and war crimes investigations.
HonestReporting. com
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Al-Qaeda cell killed by Black Death 'was developing biological weapons'
Al-Qaeda cell killed by Black Death 'was developing biological weapons'
An al-Qaeda cell killed by the Black Death may have been developing biological weapons when it was infected, it has been reported.
Last Updated: 6:10PM GMT 20 Jan 2009
The group of 40 terrorists were reported to have been killed by the plague at a training camp in Algeria earlier this month.
It was initially believed that they could have caught the disease through fleas on rats attracted by poor living conditions in their forest hideout.
But there are now claims the cell was developing the disease as a weapon to use against western cities.
Experts said that the group was developing chemical and biological weapons.
Dr Igor Khrupinov, a biological weapons expert at Georgia University, told The Sun: "Al-Qaeda is known to experiment with biological weapons. And this group has direct communication with other cells around the world.
"Contagious diseases, like ebola and anthrax, occur in northern Africa. It makes sense that people are trying to use them against Western governments."
Dr Khrupinov, who was once a weapons adviser to the Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, added: "Instead of using bombs, people with infectious diseases could be walking through cities."
It was reported last year that up to 100 potential terrorists had attempted to become postgraduate students in Britain in an attempt to use laboratories.
Ian Kearns, from the Institute for Public Policy Research, told the newspaper: "The biological weapons threat is not going away. We're not ready for it."
An al-Qaeda cell killed by the Black Death may have been developing biological weapons when it was infected, it has been reported.
Last Updated: 6:10PM GMT 20 Jan 2009
The group of 40 terrorists were reported to have been killed by the plague at a training camp in Algeria earlier this month.
It was initially believed that they could have caught the disease through fleas on rats attracted by poor living conditions in their forest hideout.
But there are now claims the cell was developing the disease as a weapon to use against western cities.
Experts said that the group was developing chemical and biological weapons.
Dr Igor Khrupinov, a biological weapons expert at Georgia University, told The Sun: "Al-Qaeda is known to experiment with biological weapons. And this group has direct communication with other cells around the world.
"Contagious diseases, like ebola and anthrax, occur in northern Africa. It makes sense that people are trying to use them against Western governments."
Dr Khrupinov, who was once a weapons adviser to the Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev, added: "Instead of using bombs, people with infectious diseases could be walking through cities."
It was reported last year that up to 100 potential terrorists had attempted to become postgraduate students in Britain in an attempt to use laboratories.
Ian Kearns, from the Institute for Public Policy Research, told the newspaper: "The biological weapons threat is not going away. We're not ready for it."
Black Death,
Black Panther Thugs,
useful idiots,
Wake Up America
Congratulations America
Thanks go out to Mark for passing on this congratulatory message from The UK
An editorial from the London Daily Mail :
Obama's Victory
A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless, but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups.
A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising [sic] over reality.
A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon.
Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group-think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.
Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media have to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are extremely liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition.
A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity.
A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Congratulations, America !
An editorial from the London Daily Mail :
Obama's Victory
A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless, but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups.
A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth. Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising [sic] over reality.
A victory for Hollywood , the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon.
Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group-think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.
Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media have to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are extremely liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition.
A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers' unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity.
A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs.
Congratulations, America !
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What Islam is Not
It's against my religion,
Political Islam,
Sharia Quran
Monday, January 19, 2009
O'Bama Barf Bag!!!
Help! Help! That paperbag from the grocery store just is not large enough to hold the contents of my stomach today as I aread about the goins on of the Obambies and Obamabots and the assorted perverts and folks with no taste or conscience:http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/2009/01/19/obama_nation/
http://gto7.wordpress.com/ scroll down to ALL these different stories and more.
1) Hamas Inauguration
2) Mass Media Schizophrenia
3) ANTI-TERROR bosses last night hailed their latest ally in the war on terror — the BLACK DEATH.
4) Awareness Campaign on Terrorism during Obama Parade on Jan 20th at DC.
5) ‘Pig sex’ orgy set for inaugural week *gag, chock*
America, is this the world you want to leave for your children? SPEAK OUT, SPEAK UP! the Leftist scum is emboldened by your silence and will not stop unti every perversity in the world, and many you can not even imagine will be demanded to be accepted! and criminalilzed if Not accepted! The Obama regime is already talking about "PERCEIVED" hate crimes! This while they allow REAL hate crimes on the streets of U.S. cities by the terrorist group Hamas and their useful idiot American leftoid supporters! WAKE UP!!
http://gto7.wordpress.com/ scroll down to ALL these different stories and more.
1) Hamas Inauguration
2) Mass Media Schizophrenia
3) ANTI-TERROR bosses last night hailed their latest ally in the war on terror — the BLACK DEATH.
4) Awareness Campaign on Terrorism during Obama Parade on Jan 20th at DC.
5) ‘Pig sex’ orgy set for inaugural week *gag, chock*
America, is this the world you want to leave for your children? SPEAK OUT, SPEAK UP! the Leftist scum is emboldened by your silence and will not stop unti every perversity in the world, and many you can not even imagine will be demanded to be accepted! and criminalilzed if Not accepted! The Obama regime is already talking about "PERCEIVED" hate crimes! This while they allow REAL hate crimes on the streets of U.S. cities by the terrorist group Hamas and their useful idiot American leftoid supporters! WAKE UP!!
Barack Hussein Obama,
friend to terrorists,
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Muslim Radicals to "Pray" at the Coronation of Baraq Hussein Obama
Head of Muslim group with admitted Hamas ties to offer prayer at Obama inauguration - WILL THE PRAYER INCLUDE "ALLAH GIVE US VICTORY OVER THE INFIDELS"? WILL BARAQ HUSSEIN OBAMA TAKES HIS OATH OF OFFICE ON A QUR'AN?
Federal prosecutors last summer rejected claims that ISNA was unfairly named an unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding case.
ISNA has admitted ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. The Muslim Brotherhood is waging, in its own words, "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
And the head of ISNA is going to offer a prayer at Obama's inauguration.
"Muslim woman, rabbis to pray at inaugural service," by Rachel Zoll for AP, January 14 (thanks to all who sent this in):
...A prayer will be offered at the National Cathedral by Ingrid Mattson, the first woman president of the Islamic Society of North America, according to an official who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information. The Islamic Society, based in Indiana, is the nation's largest Muslim group....
Federal prosecutors last summer rejected claims that ISNA was unfairly named an unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas terror funding case.
ISNA has admitted ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. The Muslim Brotherhood is waging, in its own words, "a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”
And the head of ISNA is going to offer a prayer at Obama's inauguration.
"Muslim woman, rabbis to pray at inaugural service," by Rachel Zoll for AP, January 14 (thanks to all who sent this in):
...A prayer will be offered at the National Cathedral by Ingrid Mattson, the first woman president of the Islamic Society of North America, according to an official who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information. The Islamic Society, based in Indiana, is the nation's largest Muslim group....
Friday, January 9, 2009
Hate on the Home Front
Hate on the Home Front, By Orit T. Sklar, FrontPageMagazine.com, Jan 2009
No one shouted "Go Back to the Oven" at the pro-Hamas rallies held in Atlanta in the last few days, but the sentiment was echoed in the messages their organizers promoted. Islamic fundamentalists spouted their hatred at the gatherings far-Left activists called to protest Israel's self-defense. The unholy alliance met at the CNN Center January 3rd and at the Israeli consulate the previous Tuesday, where CAIR members and Communists blocked traffic, endorsed the annihilation of Israel, dressed in terrorist garb, extolled those plotting a new Holocaust, and equated Jewish self-defense with Nazi genocide.
The tone should be no surprise considering who organized these events. The organizational force behind both was the Atlanta chapter of the International Action Center (IAC). An e-mail from the IAC indicated that Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine, Athens for Justice in Palestine, and other "peace and justice organizations" would be involved. On site, I discovered these "peace and justice organizations" included the once-laudable Amnesty International – alongside, the International Socialist Organization and the Revolutionary Communist Party. (The RCP publication Revolution were also represented.)
The International Action Center, the main organizer behind the massive "antiwar" demonstrations before the war with Iraq, was founded by Ramsey Clark as a front for the Marxist Workers World Party. IAC is a beehive of radical causes including prosecuting American soldiers for "war crimes" during the Korean War, spreading "the truth" about North Korea, freeing cop-killers Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier, and insisting "no one in the world…has a worse human rights record than the United States."
Revolution is the publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a Maoist sect founded by Bob Avakian. The RCP maintains an office in Atlanta, and this is hardly the its first collaboration with Muslim extremists; "In the summer of 1983, the organization set up terrorist training camps in Colorado, drawing people from the Iranian Student Association." The RCP remains dedicated to "the seizure of power right within the U.S. itself…as part of the world proletarian revolution." The current issue of Revolution features a front page headline screaming, "Stop the Israeli Massacre in Gaza!" (Emphasis in original.) Author Larry Everest accuses Israel of committing a "war crime" and condemns its "despicable display of Nazi-like threat" by dropping pamphlets asking Gaza civilians to evacuate the bombing area.
Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine (EAJP) maintains a website that describes all of Israel, from 1948, as "colonization." In November, EAJP hosted a lecture by Hassan El-Najjar. In an op-ed for Al Jazeera entitled "Towards a Clear Definition of Terrorism," the professor cited a number of "terrorist" acts, including "attacks on Muslim mosques after September 11, 2001" – but not 9/11 itself. He added, "It is inaccurate to use the term [terrorism] in describing resistance to foreign invaders and foreign occupation forces, such as the case of Palestinians fighting Israeli occupation forces to liberate themselves from foreign military rule." In another, he shed more light on his view: "[The] September 11 attacks happened as a reaction to the American foreign policy in the Middle East." By the first anniversary of 9/11, he brought himself to write that killing civilians during "air attacks" – he still could not call it terrorism – was not justified, "no matter how much the perpetrator was victimized." Not alone, EAJP brought in a representative of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement two months earlier. Its "Resources" page further radicalizes its members, directing eager readers to the publications Electronic Intifada and Al Jazeera.
Athens for Justice in Palestine (AJP) has co-sponsored many of EAJP's outings, as well as a 2005 speech by Jeff Halper, an American anthropology professor who heads the "Free Gaza Movement," which attempted to deliver 3.5 tons of "medical supplies" to Hamas-controlled Gaza on December 30. The AJP website features YouTube footage of its members gathered outside the CNN center chanting, "U.S./Israel, you can't hide; we charge you with genocide!" AJP, too, links to Electronic Intifada, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, and the radical Indymedia.org.
The International Socialist Organization, a Trotskyite organization, calls for "militant workers" to wage a perpetual revolution against the bourgeoisie. It justifies Islamic violence, whether 9/11 hijackers against the United States, or Palestinian suicide bombers, writing these innocents were "not born wanting to become suicide bombers. But their lifetimes of humiliation…made them open to terrorism as a means to avenge their oppression."
The rhetoric of these protesters was predictably egregious. The most clearly genocidal message at Saturday's soiree extolled Hitler's nearest successor: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. One Muslim man displayed a poster with a picture of Iranian President Ahmadinejad below the message, "I heart A-JAD." Ahmadinejad, who denies the first Holocaust occurred, has called for Israel to be wiped off the map, and his drive for nuclear weapons is the most dangerous existential threat Israel faces – a threat these supporters of Hamas would love to hasten. The protester would not allow me to photograph him or the sign. However, when a man who identified himself as Iranian gave him a high-five and said he thought the sign was awesome asked to take a picture, I was able to get my own picture alongside this Ahmadinejad fan.
Even as some deny the Holocaust, they equate modern Israeli Jews with their victimizers, a staple of anti-Semites worldwide. One young boy held a sign condemning, "Israhell: The New Nazis." Several demonstrators held signs with such messages as, "Stop the U.S. Sponsored Holocaust in Gaza." A Muslim woman dressed in a chador called Operation Cast Lead "Holocast [sic.] in Gaza." Like the male protester, at first she refused to have her picture taken. She later agreed, as long as her face was covered by the sign. Was her reticence a sign of embarrassment over her extremist message, or Islamic hatred of female flesh, especially the face?
The crowd demonstrated outside CNN headquarters for more an hour before taking its protest into the street. In addition to the "genocide" chant, protesters sang such pithy slogans as:
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free";
"Gaza, Gaza don't you cry, in our hearts, you'll never die"; and
"Not a penny, not a dime, Israel out of Palestine"
As if to counter the ISO's thesis that Palestinians were not born with the hope of becoming terrorists, many protesters brought along their children, some dressed in Palestinian terrorist gear. Many youngsters could be seen chanting and waving signs and Palestinian flags alongside their family and friends, with protesters of all ages wearing the keffiyeh. One young boy, clad in keffiyeh, waved a Palestinian flag, while the man next to him paraded baby dolls splattered with imitation blood. (How child-friendly.) Others used their own children as examples of the civilians Israel is supposedly targeting – a claim even Palestinian television cannot support. A young girl presented herself as an Israeli target, holding a sign saying, "I am not a terrorist."
Protesters placed two coffins draped in Palestinian flags along with a white sheet wrapped around a "body" on the street in front of a huge banner reading, "Remember the Children of the Occupation." The sheet had a red target symbol over an image of a young girl in a dress releasing a balloon in the shape of a heart.
IAC, et. al., chose the CNN location in hopes of generating media coverage, and in this it succeeded; however, the radicals hope to have a far more mainstream impact. An e-mail from the Atlanta IAC encouraged everyone to "Register your outrage with elected officials and mainstream media." To reinforce this campaign, call sheets were handed out during the protest listing local and national media outlets, politicians, and the Israeli consulate.
In addition to Ahmadinejad, protesters showed love for another political figure: President-elect Barack Obama. The campaign to end "the Israeli Occupation" handed out postcards with the iconic picture of Obama and the slogan, "Yes, we can," with the added plea, "End U.S. military aid to Israel." These postcards featured a pre-typed message, alleging that U.S. money is being used to "enforce its [Israel's] illegal military occupation of and commit human rights abuses in the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip."
Divestment of Israel was a popular theme. A young man wearing an Obama t-shirt and Obama embroidered pullover held a sign that said, "Stop dropping U.S. Bombs! 71% of Americans Oppose Intervention."
They reached at least a few government workers during the protest. Some bus drivers of MARTA – Atlanta's public transportation system – honked in support of their cause, as demonstrators held up "Honk for Gaza" signs.
There was not one condemnation of Hamas in the course of the rally. However, the protesters regularly pilloried CNN. There were signs saying, "CNN – Tell the truth, bombing Gaza is a crime." Individual demonstrators screamed, "Screw you Andersen Cooper!" and "Screw you Wolf Blitzer!" (Wolf Blitzer, a Jew, wrote a book on the Jonathan Pollard spy scandal, Territory of Lies. The New York Times described his depiction of Israeli government officials as "harsh.") The irony that they were protesting the most pro-Palestinian broadcast outlet since Peter Jennings' death was lost of them.
A similar tone held sway at the December 30th rally in front of the Consulate General of Israel. Again, the protest was arranged by the Atlanta branch of the International Action Center. They had a permit from 4:00-5:30 p.m. to demonstrate in front of the Israeli consulate which is in midtown Atlanta. Car traffic was heavy the entire time, and there was a constant flow of people into the demonstration. Women were coming with their young children in strollers and older people wrapped in keffiyehs came and set up chairs.
Representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) were on hand, as were Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Georgia Tech and Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine. CAIR has a lengthy history of association with terrorists, and the Georgia Tech branch of SJP directs its readers to Electronic Intifada, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, and recommends books written by Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi. At 5:30 p.m. on December 20, police announced the mob must leave the premises, so its members marched into the street – walking against the flow of traffic – shutting down the street entirely, and establishing themselves about a quarter-mile away.
It is important to recognize that Saturday's rally was not a singular event or an isolated incident, but rather part of a sustained and calculated effort on their behalf to influence government policy and public opinion. Many of these people feel empowered with the recent election of Obama and show no signs of backing down, but rather of intensifying their efforts. Similar protests have occurred around the world, but the extreme anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and anti-American sentiments being expressed in the U.S. to this degree are alarming. These enemies of Israel – and America – are making their message and ultimate goal clear in their vitriolic preaching and advocating of death and destruction. Their actions must serve as a wake-up call and motivate us in our current support for Israel and the United States.
One of the RCP protesters held a sign demanding, "Stop Thinking Like Americans!"
The protesters have long since put that into practice. They clearly think like our enemies.
Orit Sklar is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. Orit has been involved in the conservative movement and the quest for academic freedom both within and beyond Georgia Tech, and is currently co-plaintiff in a federal civil rights lawsuit challenging Georgia Tech's unconstitutional policies.
Allan, Chapter Director
ACT For America. (NY & LI)
L A N . . A S T A S L E M
I will NOT submit to islam!
No one shouted "Go Back to the Oven" at the pro-Hamas rallies held in Atlanta in the last few days, but the sentiment was echoed in the messages their organizers promoted. Islamic fundamentalists spouted their hatred at the gatherings far-Left activists called to protest Israel's self-defense. The unholy alliance met at the CNN Center January 3rd and at the Israeli consulate the previous Tuesday, where CAIR members and Communists blocked traffic, endorsed the annihilation of Israel, dressed in terrorist garb, extolled those plotting a new Holocaust, and equated Jewish self-defense with Nazi genocide.
The tone should be no surprise considering who organized these events. The organizational force behind both was the Atlanta chapter of the International Action Center (IAC). An e-mail from the IAC indicated that Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine, Athens for Justice in Palestine, and other "peace and justice organizations" would be involved. On site, I discovered these "peace and justice organizations" included the once-laudable Amnesty International – alongside, the International Socialist Organization and the Revolutionary Communist Party. (The RCP publication Revolution were also represented.)
The International Action Center, the main organizer behind the massive "antiwar" demonstrations before the war with Iraq, was founded by Ramsey Clark as a front for the Marxist Workers World Party. IAC is a beehive of radical causes including prosecuting American soldiers for "war crimes" during the Korean War, spreading "the truth" about North Korea, freeing cop-killers Mumia Abu Jamal and Leonard Peltier, and insisting "no one in the world…has a worse human rights record than the United States."
Revolution is the publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a Maoist sect founded by Bob Avakian. The RCP maintains an office in Atlanta, and this is hardly the its first collaboration with Muslim extremists; "In the summer of 1983, the organization set up terrorist training camps in Colorado, drawing people from the Iranian Student Association." The RCP remains dedicated to "the seizure of power right within the U.S. itself…as part of the world proletarian revolution." The current issue of Revolution features a front page headline screaming, "Stop the Israeli Massacre in Gaza!" (Emphasis in original.) Author Larry Everest accuses Israel of committing a "war crime" and condemns its "despicable display of Nazi-like threat" by dropping pamphlets asking Gaza civilians to evacuate the bombing area.
Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine (EAJP) maintains a website that describes all of Israel, from 1948, as "colonization." In November, EAJP hosted a lecture by Hassan El-Najjar. In an op-ed for Al Jazeera entitled "Towards a Clear Definition of Terrorism," the professor cited a number of "terrorist" acts, including "attacks on Muslim mosques after September 11, 2001" – but not 9/11 itself. He added, "It is inaccurate to use the term [terrorism] in describing resistance to foreign invaders and foreign occupation forces, such as the case of Palestinians fighting Israeli occupation forces to liberate themselves from foreign military rule." In another, he shed more light on his view: "[The] September 11 attacks happened as a reaction to the American foreign policy in the Middle East." By the first anniversary of 9/11, he brought himself to write that killing civilians during "air attacks" – he still could not call it terrorism – was not justified, "no matter how much the perpetrator was victimized." Not alone, EAJP brought in a representative of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement two months earlier. Its "Resources" page further radicalizes its members, directing eager readers to the publications Electronic Intifada and Al Jazeera.
Athens for Justice in Palestine (AJP) has co-sponsored many of EAJP's outings, as well as a 2005 speech by Jeff Halper, an American anthropology professor who heads the "Free Gaza Movement," which attempted to deliver 3.5 tons of "medical supplies" to Hamas-controlled Gaza on December 30. The AJP website features YouTube footage of its members gathered outside the CNN center chanting, "U.S./Israel, you can't hide; we charge you with genocide!" AJP, too, links to Electronic Intifada, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, and the radical Indymedia.org.
The International Socialist Organization, a Trotskyite organization, calls for "militant workers" to wage a perpetual revolution against the bourgeoisie. It justifies Islamic violence, whether 9/11 hijackers against the United States, or Palestinian suicide bombers, writing these innocents were "not born wanting to become suicide bombers. But their lifetimes of humiliation…made them open to terrorism as a means to avenge their oppression."
The rhetoric of these protesters was predictably egregious. The most clearly genocidal message at Saturday's soiree extolled Hitler's nearest successor: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. One Muslim man displayed a poster with a picture of Iranian President Ahmadinejad below the message, "I heart A-JAD." Ahmadinejad, who denies the first Holocaust occurred, has called for Israel to be wiped off the map, and his drive for nuclear weapons is the most dangerous existential threat Israel faces – a threat these supporters of Hamas would love to hasten. The protester would not allow me to photograph him or the sign. However, when a man who identified himself as Iranian gave him a high-five and said he thought the sign was awesome asked to take a picture, I was able to get my own picture alongside this Ahmadinejad fan.
Even as some deny the Holocaust, they equate modern Israeli Jews with their victimizers, a staple of anti-Semites worldwide. One young boy held a sign condemning, "Israhell: The New Nazis." Several demonstrators held signs with such messages as, "Stop the U.S. Sponsored Holocaust in Gaza." A Muslim woman dressed in a chador called Operation Cast Lead "Holocast [sic.] in Gaza." Like the male protester, at first she refused to have her picture taken. She later agreed, as long as her face was covered by the sign. Was her reticence a sign of embarrassment over her extremist message, or Islamic hatred of female flesh, especially the face?
The crowd demonstrated outside CNN headquarters for more an hour before taking its protest into the street. In addition to the "genocide" chant, protesters sang such pithy slogans as:
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free";
"Gaza, Gaza don't you cry, in our hearts, you'll never die"; and
"Not a penny, not a dime, Israel out of Palestine"
As if to counter the ISO's thesis that Palestinians were not born with the hope of becoming terrorists, many protesters brought along their children, some dressed in Palestinian terrorist gear. Many youngsters could be seen chanting and waving signs and Palestinian flags alongside their family and friends, with protesters of all ages wearing the keffiyeh. One young boy, clad in keffiyeh, waved a Palestinian flag, while the man next to him paraded baby dolls splattered with imitation blood. (How child-friendly.) Others used their own children as examples of the civilians Israel is supposedly targeting – a claim even Palestinian television cannot support. A young girl presented herself as an Israeli target, holding a sign saying, "I am not a terrorist."
Protesters placed two coffins draped in Palestinian flags along with a white sheet wrapped around a "body" on the street in front of a huge banner reading, "Remember the Children of the Occupation." The sheet had a red target symbol over an image of a young girl in a dress releasing a balloon in the shape of a heart.
IAC, et. al., chose the CNN location in hopes of generating media coverage, and in this it succeeded; however, the radicals hope to have a far more mainstream impact. An e-mail from the Atlanta IAC encouraged everyone to "Register your outrage with elected officials and mainstream media." To reinforce this campaign, call sheets were handed out during the protest listing local and national media outlets, politicians, and the Israeli consulate.
In addition to Ahmadinejad, protesters showed love for another political figure: President-elect Barack Obama. The campaign to end "the Israeli Occupation" handed out postcards with the iconic picture of Obama and the slogan, "Yes, we can," with the added plea, "End U.S. military aid to Israel." These postcards featured a pre-typed message, alleging that U.S. money is being used to "enforce its [Israel's] illegal military occupation of and commit human rights abuses in the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip."
Divestment of Israel was a popular theme. A young man wearing an Obama t-shirt and Obama embroidered pullover held a sign that said, "Stop dropping U.S. Bombs! 71% of Americans Oppose Intervention."
They reached at least a few government workers during the protest. Some bus drivers of MARTA – Atlanta's public transportation system – honked in support of their cause, as demonstrators held up "Honk for Gaza" signs.
There was not one condemnation of Hamas in the course of the rally. However, the protesters regularly pilloried CNN. There were signs saying, "CNN – Tell the truth, bombing Gaza is a crime." Individual demonstrators screamed, "Screw you Andersen Cooper!" and "Screw you Wolf Blitzer!" (Wolf Blitzer, a Jew, wrote a book on the Jonathan Pollard spy scandal, Territory of Lies. The New York Times described his depiction of Israeli government officials as "harsh.") The irony that they were protesting the most pro-Palestinian broadcast outlet since Peter Jennings' death was lost of them.
A similar tone held sway at the December 30th rally in front of the Consulate General of Israel. Again, the protest was arranged by the Atlanta branch of the International Action Center. They had a permit from 4:00-5:30 p.m. to demonstrate in front of the Israeli consulate which is in midtown Atlanta. Car traffic was heavy the entire time, and there was a constant flow of people into the demonstration. Women were coming with their young children in strollers and older people wrapped in keffiyehs came and set up chairs.
Representatives from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) were on hand, as were Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) at Georgia Tech and Emory Advocates for Justice in Palestine. CAIR has a lengthy history of association with terrorists, and the Georgia Tech branch of SJP directs its readers to Electronic Intifada, the Palestinian Solidarity Movement, and recommends books written by Edward Said and Rashid Khalidi. At 5:30 p.m. on December 20, police announced the mob must leave the premises, so its members marched into the street – walking against the flow of traffic – shutting down the street entirely, and establishing themselves about a quarter-mile away.
It is important to recognize that Saturday's rally was not a singular event or an isolated incident, but rather part of a sustained and calculated effort on their behalf to influence government policy and public opinion. Many of these people feel empowered with the recent election of Obama and show no signs of backing down, but rather of intensifying their efforts. Similar protests have occurred around the world, but the extreme anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and anti-American sentiments being expressed in the U.S. to this degree are alarming. These enemies of Israel – and America – are making their message and ultimate goal clear in their vitriolic preaching and advocating of death and destruction. Their actions must serve as a wake-up call and motivate us in our current support for Israel and the United States.
One of the RCP protesters held a sign demanding, "Stop Thinking Like Americans!"
The protesters have long since put that into practice. They clearly think like our enemies.
Orit Sklar is a graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology, where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. Orit has been involved in the conservative movement and the quest for academic freedom both within and beyond Georgia Tech, and is currently co-plaintiff in a federal civil rights lawsuit challenging Georgia Tech's unconstitutional policies.
Allan, Chapter Director
ACT For America. (NY & LI)
L A N . . A S T A S L E M
I will NOT submit to islam!
San Francisco Rally for Israel
To: Act for America members and friends
From: ACT for America Chapter Leaders of San Francisco, East Bay and Silicon Valley
Date: January 8, 2009
Subject: Rally in Support of Israel/Counter Protest Against Hamas and it’s supporters
Date of Rally/Counter Protest: Saturday, January 10, 2009
Dear Friends,
We have recently been informed that the SF Voice of Israel is holding a rally or counter protest this Saturday, January 10. The ACT for America Leaders and active members have determined that it would be best for everyone if we joined our groups and activities together. Please see the below information.
Counter Protest International ANSWER's Anti-Israel Demonstration
This Saturday January 10
San Francisco at the Civic Center Plaza (we will gather on Polk between Larkin and McAllister Sts, directly in front of City Hall)
Meet at 11:00 AM
Once again, the streets of the Bay Area are filled with hate when Israel defends itself. International ANSWER and other anti-Israel groups in the area are claiming Israel's actions in Gaza are "genocide" . Groups protesting against Israel last week chanted "Itbach al Yahud" (slaughter the Jews) and "Falastin balad'na w'al Yahud qalab'na" (Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs), clear anti-Semitic hate speech.
The groups sponsoring these demonstrations demonize Israel, endorse Israel's destruction, and justify the terrorist acts against Israel that caused the current situation. In particular, International ANSWER is the group that forced its own racist, anti-Semitic propaganda on those who wanted to march just to oppose the war in Iraq. While SF Voice for Israel takes no position on the Iraq war, we oppose ANSWER's manipulation of the antiwar movement and its demonization of Israel. Previous ANSWER demonstrations have been notable for vicious anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and pro-terror signs, speakers and chants.
San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us will stand against the anti-Israel/pro-terrorism voices. Our presence at these events has proven highly effective at countering their message and making sure that the anti-Israel activists can not push their propaganda on the public unopposed! In addition, when the local media cover these demonstrations, they always film our presence so that the public can see that supporters of Israel are willing to stand up for the truth. (Those of you who were there with us last week even had your presence noted on CNN!).
We know that many in our community will be unable to join us because this is on Shabbat. While we will never schedule our own events on Shabbat, we are standing up against the anti-Israel hate groups that usually schedule their protests for Saturdays, specifically to try to minimize the Jewish community response.
We will meet at 11 AM and stay until ANSWER leaves Civic Center Plaza to march through the streets. We do not encourage anyone to march near them in counterprotest once they leave the Civic Center area, as we cannot assure adequate police protection should elements in their rally decide to start a rampage.
Please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs, AND please wear BLUE and WHITE. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians in general. Signs in violation of our policies will not be allowed.
Demand an end to Palestinian rocket attacks against Israeli civilians!
Demand Cpl Gilad Shalit be returned home safely!
Demand Hamas put an end to terror attacks!
Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization of Israel!
Demand that Hamas choose peace so that the Palestinian people can have a future!
San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us
www.StandWithUs. com
Indy Bay News: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/01/03/18558178.php
From: ACT for America Chapter Leaders of San Francisco, East Bay and Silicon Valley
Date: January 8, 2009
Subject: Rally in Support of Israel/Counter Protest Against Hamas and it’s supporters
Date of Rally/Counter Protest: Saturday, January 10, 2009
Dear Friends,
We have recently been informed that the SF Voice of Israel is holding a rally or counter protest this Saturday, January 10. The ACT for America Leaders and active members have determined that it would be best for everyone if we joined our groups and activities together. Please see the below information.
Counter Protest International ANSWER's Anti-Israel Demonstration
This Saturday January 10
San Francisco at the Civic Center Plaza (we will gather on Polk between Larkin and McAllister Sts, directly in front of City Hall)
Meet at 11:00 AM
Once again, the streets of the Bay Area are filled with hate when Israel defends itself. International ANSWER and other anti-Israel groups in the area are claiming Israel's actions in Gaza are "genocide" . Groups protesting against Israel last week chanted "Itbach al Yahud" (slaughter the Jews) and "Falastin balad'na w'al Yahud qalab'na" (Palestine is our land and the Jews are our dogs), clear anti-Semitic hate speech.
The groups sponsoring these demonstrations demonize Israel, endorse Israel's destruction, and justify the terrorist acts against Israel that caused the current situation. In particular, International ANSWER is the group that forced its own racist, anti-Semitic propaganda on those who wanted to march just to oppose the war in Iraq. While SF Voice for Israel takes no position on the Iraq war, we oppose ANSWER's manipulation of the antiwar movement and its demonization of Israel. Previous ANSWER demonstrations have been notable for vicious anti-Israel, anti-Semitic and pro-terror signs, speakers and chants.
San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us will stand against the anti-Israel/pro-terrorism voices. Our presence at these events has proven highly effective at countering their message and making sure that the anti-Israel activists can not push their propaganda on the public unopposed! In addition, when the local media cover these demonstrations, they always film our presence so that the public can see that supporters of Israel are willing to stand up for the truth. (Those of you who were there with us last week even had your presence noted on CNN!).
We know that many in our community will be unable to join us because this is on Shabbat. While we will never schedule our own events on Shabbat, we are standing up against the anti-Israel hate groups that usually schedule their protests for Saturdays, specifically to try to minimize the Jewish community response.
We will meet at 11 AM and stay until ANSWER leaves Civic Center Plaza to march through the streets. We do not encourage anyone to march near them in counterprotest once they leave the Civic Center area, as we cannot assure adequate police protection should elements in their rally decide to start a rampage.
Please bring your noisemakers, flags, and signs, AND please wear BLUE and WHITE. As always, feel free to make your own signs but please no signs or graphics offensive to any racial or ethnic group including but not limited to Arabs, Islam, or Palestinians in general. Signs in violation of our policies will not be allowed.
Demand an end to Palestinian rocket attacks against Israeli civilians!
Demand Cpl Gilad Shalit be returned home safely!
Demand Hamas put an end to terror attacks!
Demand an end to the deligitimization and demonization of Israel!
Demand that Hamas choose peace so that the Palestinian people can have a future!
San Francisco Voice for Israel/Stand With Us
www.StandWithUs. com
Indy Bay News: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/01/03/18558178.php
IDF YouTube Channel
Do yourself a favor and educate yourself to the truth of the Palestanian/Israeli "conflict".
Hamas are cowards, thugs and murderers of their own women and childen, often using their own children as human shields! Many Hamas men have been captured wearing women's burkas. They build munitions factories in civilian neighborhoods and shoot rockets into Israeli schools from their own housetops. Hamas uses ambulances as bombs and teaches their children from the time they are infants to hate everyone who is not Muslim. They use mosques as arsenals. The IDF videos show rockets being fired from mosques and housetops in residential neighborhoods. When will you useful idiot Americans and Europeans wake up and smell the bloodshed you are supporting, the lies of Hamassholes that you believe to be the truth. Open your eyes, dudes, YOU and YOUR FAMILY are next!!!
Hamas are cowards, thugs and murderers of their own women and childen, often using their own children as human shields! Many Hamas men have been captured wearing women's burkas. They build munitions factories in civilian neighborhoods and shoot rockets into Israeli schools from their own housetops. Hamas uses ambulances as bombs and teaches their children from the time they are infants to hate everyone who is not Muslim. They use mosques as arsenals. The IDF videos show rockets being fired from mosques and housetops in residential neighborhoods. When will you useful idiot Americans and Europeans wake up and smell the bloodshed you are supporting, the lies of Hamassholes that you believe to be the truth. Open your eyes, dudes, YOU and YOUR FAMILY are next!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hamas supporters screaming "Jews back to the ovens"!
Did you know the Pro-Hamas, Pro Palestinian mobs around the globe including those in the USA are screaming
“Jews back to the ovens!”? “Nuke Israel , Nuke the US ” and other vulgarities and obscenities! Also attacking police and blocking traffic.
These hate mongers are joined by the American Leftist tools from International A.N.S.W.E.R., a communist founded organization and other deluded and suicidal American progressives and radicals who hate America and YOU.
Counter Protest to Pro HAMAS Demonstrations at Israeli Consulate
Saturday, January 10, 2009
11:00 am – 2:00 PM
456 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Sponsored by ACT for America, Golden Gate, Silicon Valley and San Francisco Chapters
And don't forget what the friends of Hamas and the Palestanians, the Islamic terrorists did to the Mumbai hostages............they sexually mutilated them while still alive, including a pregnant woman in from of her two year old son, whom the Islamic terrorists beat!
Tell the HAMAS cells in Santa Clara and San Francisco to get out of our cities!
Tell our police to arrest these terrorists! at the very least for the hate speech they are spewing!
Please watch Brigitte Gabriel's video speech she gave at Heritage foundation several years ago. It is even more pertinent now since she speaks a lot about Hamas and their presence here in various cities across the United States. Also recommended the booked called "American Jihad"...by Steve Emerson who makes the point that Hamas is deeply entrenched in the United States and that a good portion of its funding, training and recruitment come from here...
Pass this email on to your friends who may join us in celebrating freedom and protesting Islamic terrorism and the American Left's stupidity and suicidal actions in supporting HAMAS.
“Jews back to the ovens!”? “Nuke Israel , Nuke the US ” and other vulgarities and obscenities! Also attacking police and blocking traffic.
These hate mongers are joined by the American Leftist tools from International A.N.S.W.E.R., a communist founded organization and other deluded and suicidal American progressives and radicals who hate America and YOU.
Counter Protest to Pro HAMAS Demonstrations at Israeli Consulate
Saturday, January 10, 2009
11:00 am – 2:00 PM
456 Montgomery Street
San Francisco, CA 94104
Sponsored by ACT for America, Golden Gate, Silicon Valley and San Francisco Chapters
And don't forget what the friends of Hamas and the Palestanians, the Islamic terrorists did to the Mumbai hostages............they sexually mutilated them while still alive, including a pregnant woman in from of her two year old son, whom the Islamic terrorists beat!
Tell the HAMAS cells in Santa Clara and San Francisco to get out of our cities!
Tell our police to arrest these terrorists! at the very least for the hate speech they are spewing!
Please watch Brigitte Gabriel's video speech she gave at Heritage foundation several years ago. It is even more pertinent now since she speaks a lot about Hamas and their presence here in various cities across the United States. Also recommended the booked called "American Jihad"...by Steve Emerson who makes the point that Hamas is deeply entrenched in the United States and that a good portion of its funding, training and recruitment come from here...
Pass this email on to your friends who may join us in celebrating freedom and protesting Islamic terrorism and the American Left's stupidity and suicidal actions in supporting HAMAS.
New York City Pro Israel Rally Draws Thousands!!
New York City Pro-Israel Rally Draws Thousands!!
Meanwhile, An Israeli Subjected to Hamas Rocket
Attacks Emails Us
Dear Friends,
Late yesterday we received an email from New York and an email from Israel, their common thread being Israel’s defense against the terrorist organization Hamas and its rocket attacks.
We have reprinted the short email from the Israeli, whose name has been removed, in the exact form we received it.
Beneath that you will find a report sent to us by our New York Metro ACT! for America chapter leader regarding yesterday’s pro-Israel rally in New York City.
We in ACT! for America want to make it clear that we stand shoulder to shoulder with the democratic nation of Israel as it resists the terror and tyranny of radical Islam. We in America must never forget that Israel is on the front lines in this conflict.
My name is [name removed] and i live in Ashdod, Israel.
As you probably know, 11 days ago Israel finally started to take action in Gaza strip in order to defend itself and it's citizens. It must be said that Israel's actions are the response to the violent nature of the actions and threats of Hamas against us.
For 11 days now, my city, along with other cities in the region of southern Israel have been and are being attacked and bombed by Hamas. Together, we are a milion people under the threat of being bombed.
What we do today, what I do today, is standing against the missiles of Hamas, a thing which i have never had to do before, so my Israeli fellows that have been suffering from it for years will be able to live in peace. A real peace, and not just a cease-fire for Hamas to take advantage of to get armed. We suffer now so our Israeli brothers can live in peace, AND so missiles won't ever become "routine" in our cities too. What we don't do today, will cost us tomorrow.
As a citizen of a western country (Israel of course), i have been surprised to see the huge hypocrisy shown by the western world during these 11 days. Protests and demonstration against Israel and it's actions all over the world, comparing us to the Nazis and calling us murderers. All that from the people who have ignored the violent nature of Hamas and it's actions and attacks against Israeli CITIZENS for years and years.
That being said, i'd like to thank you and your organization for your support and right view of reality. It's important to me and other Israelis to know that there are sane voices out there too.
And a personal message for Brigitte Gabriel:
I joined your website and organization after listening to your speeches on Youtube. As i know your story, i know u understand that what we are doing today is defending our home. Hamas, just like the radicals in Lebanon, has no tolerance and doesn't want to live in peace with us. Hamas's wish, in the good case, is to throw us to the sea. To take the onlyplace i know as HOME away from me. And neither me nor the Israeli people will stand that kind of wish.
So from the Israeli people and country - Thank you.
The "Support Israel" rally today which was co-sponsored by ACT! New York Chapter was hugely successful. One estimate is that there were 10,000 people out in the frigid New York Street - Christians, Hindus, Jews - who knows who else. The police were outstandingly cooperative -- as they usually are. They expanded the protective barricades out into 2nd Avenue as the crowds swelled.
We hope that the Israelis got the message: WE SUPPORT YOU IN YOUR WAR AGAINST ISLAMIC TERROR!
Scattered somewhere in the crowd were enclaves of our members. We will be there again at the "MAJOR" Rally which is being scheduled for this coming Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. Plan on attending! More info as it becomes available!
ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Meanwhile, An Israeli Subjected to Hamas Rocket
Attacks Emails Us
Dear Friends,
Late yesterday we received an email from New York and an email from Israel, their common thread being Israel’s defense against the terrorist organization Hamas and its rocket attacks.
We have reprinted the short email from the Israeli, whose name has been removed, in the exact form we received it.
Beneath that you will find a report sent to us by our New York Metro ACT! for America chapter leader regarding yesterday’s pro-Israel rally in New York City.
We in ACT! for America want to make it clear that we stand shoulder to shoulder with the democratic nation of Israel as it resists the terror and tyranny of radical Islam. We in America must never forget that Israel is on the front lines in this conflict.
My name is [name removed] and i live in Ashdod, Israel.
As you probably know, 11 days ago Israel finally started to take action in Gaza strip in order to defend itself and it's citizens. It must be said that Israel's actions are the response to the violent nature of the actions and threats of Hamas against us.
For 11 days now, my city, along with other cities in the region of southern Israel have been and are being attacked and bombed by Hamas. Together, we are a milion people under the threat of being bombed.
What we do today, what I do today, is standing against the missiles of Hamas, a thing which i have never had to do before, so my Israeli fellows that have been suffering from it for years will be able to live in peace. A real peace, and not just a cease-fire for Hamas to take advantage of to get armed. We suffer now so our Israeli brothers can live in peace, AND so missiles won't ever become "routine" in our cities too. What we don't do today, will cost us tomorrow.
As a citizen of a western country (Israel of course), i have been surprised to see the huge hypocrisy shown by the western world during these 11 days. Protests and demonstration against Israel and it's actions all over the world, comparing us to the Nazis and calling us murderers. All that from the people who have ignored the violent nature of Hamas and it's actions and attacks against Israeli CITIZENS for years and years.
That being said, i'd like to thank you and your organization for your support and right view of reality. It's important to me and other Israelis to know that there are sane voices out there too.
And a personal message for Brigitte Gabriel:
I joined your website and organization after listening to your speeches on Youtube. As i know your story, i know u understand that what we are doing today is defending our home. Hamas, just like the radicals in Lebanon, has no tolerance and doesn't want to live in peace with us. Hamas's wish, in the good case, is to throw us to the sea. To take the onlyplace i know as HOME away from me. And neither me nor the Israeli people will stand that kind of wish.
So from the Israeli people and country - Thank you.
The "Support Israel" rally today which was co-sponsored by ACT! New York Chapter was hugely successful. One estimate is that there were 10,000 people out in the frigid New York Street - Christians, Hindus, Jews - who knows who else. The police were outstandingly cooperative -- as they usually are. They expanded the protective barricades out into 2nd Avenue as the crowds swelled.
We hope that the Israelis got the message: WE SUPPORT YOU IN YOUR WAR AGAINST ISLAMIC TERROR!
Scattered somewhere in the crowd were enclaves of our members. We will be there again at the "MAJOR" Rally which is being scheduled for this coming Sunday morning at 11:00 AM. Plan on attending! More info as it becomes available!
ACT for America
P.O. Box 6884
Virginia Beach, VA 23456
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Renewed EVIDENCE of Palestinian Lies and bogus complaints
From ACT! New York Metro
Since Israel's War Of Independence when many of the "civilian casualties" which muslims still complain about, were found to be Arab Legion troops wearing their uniforms under their all-concealing women's garb, we have seen the muslims' arrogant disregard for the lives of their own people by deliberately forcing unwilling civilians into hazardous military situations.
Now we have renewed evidence of the accuracy of these charges from a muslim source.
This report, naturally, diminishes the propaganda value of islamic allegations that Israel deliberately targets civilians -- while every objective observer has seen just the reverse.
Read the following report in its entirety, translated from the original Arabic by PMW. It seems that there's nothing new in the 7th century muslim world for the New Year.
Gaza Updat, Jan. 1, 2009Palestinian Media Watch
Iranian reformist daily:
Hamas hiding forces in nurseries and hospitals
An Iranian reformist daily newspaper has criticized Hamas "for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in nurseries and hospitals." This is reported in today's Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam. The Palestinian daily adds that in response the Iranian government has closed the newspaper.
The following is the story in today's Al-Ayyam:
Headline: "Iran closes a reformist newspaper, for publishing a report criticizing Hamas"
"The Iranian news agency "Irna" reported yesterday, that the Iranian Culture Ministry has closed the reformist daily newspaper "Karjo Zaran," because it published a report that included criticism of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).
On December 30 the paper published a statement of a reformist student organization, that has criticized Hamas for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in nurseries and hospitals The statement was published whilst the Iranian government expresses a unified stand against Israel, and Tehran is overwhelmed by demonstrations against Israel."
[Al-Ayyam, Jan. 1, 2009]
"First the Saturday people;
Then the Sunday people!"- Arabic text painted on the walls
of Bethlehem, Israel.
-- Allan, Chapter Director,
New York & L.I.
Since Israel's War Of Independence when many of the "civilian casualties" which muslims still complain about, were found to be Arab Legion troops wearing their uniforms under their all-concealing women's garb, we have seen the muslims' arrogant disregard for the lives of their own people by deliberately forcing unwilling civilians into hazardous military situations.
Now we have renewed evidence of the accuracy of these charges from a muslim source.
This report, naturally, diminishes the propaganda value of islamic allegations that Israel deliberately targets civilians -- while every objective observer has seen just the reverse.
Read the following report in its entirety, translated from the original Arabic by PMW. It seems that there's nothing new in the 7th century muslim world for the New Year.
Gaza Updat, Jan. 1, 2009Palestinian Media Watch
Iranian reformist daily:
Hamas hiding forces in nurseries and hospitals
An Iranian reformist daily newspaper has criticized Hamas "for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in nurseries and hospitals." This is reported in today's Palestinian daily Al-Ayyam. The Palestinian daily adds that in response the Iranian government has closed the newspaper.
The following is the story in today's Al-Ayyam:
Headline: "Iran closes a reformist newspaper, for publishing a report criticizing Hamas"
"The Iranian news agency "Irna" reported yesterday, that the Iranian Culture Ministry has closed the reformist daily newspaper "Karjo Zaran," because it published a report that included criticism of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).
On December 30 the paper published a statement of a reformist student organization, that has criticized Hamas for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in nurseries and hospitals The statement was published whilst the Iranian government expresses a unified stand against Israel, and Tehran is overwhelmed by demonstrations against Israel."
[Al-Ayyam, Jan. 1, 2009]
"First the Saturday people;
Then the Sunday people!"- Arabic text painted on the walls
of Bethlehem, Israel.
-- Allan, Chapter Director,
New York & L.I.
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