An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam.
Newsletter #1/18
Know the Enemy—Sun Tsu, The Art of War
________________________________________Before we start, we need the right words if we are to have the right thoughts.
Islam claims that all who do not submit are kafirs (unbelievers). A kafir is hated by Allah and Allah plots against the kafir. Over 60% of the Koran is devoted to the kafir. A kafir may be killed, robbed, raped, enslaved, tortured and mocked. Every mention of the kafir is negative, demeaning, insulting and hurtful. Unbeliever is a neutral word. Kafir is the worst word in the human language.
The second word we need is dhimmi. The original dhimmis were Christians and Jews who got to keep their religion, but lived in a totally Islamic culture. Today a dhimmi is a kafir who apologizes for Islam.
The story of Islam starts with the Jews since Islam is a Jewish heresy. The Koran endlessly adapts Jewish stories such as those of Moses and Noah to show that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah. The Ten Commandments is a good place to start looking at Islam.
Ten Commandments—Religious
Do not have any other gods before Me.
Do not make an image or any likeness of Me
Do not swear falsely by the name of the Lord.
Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy
Ten Commandments—Ethical
Honor your father and your mother
Do not murder
Do not commit adultery.
Do not steal.
Do not bear false witness against your neighbor
Do not covet your neighbor’s property.
They fall into two categories—religious and ethical. The only religion that follows all the religious commandments is that of the Jews. Christians do not follow the Sabbath commandment and some would argue that the Catholics and Orthodox sects use images and violate the image commandment. Hindus, Buddhists and atheists don’t follow any of the religious commandments. There are no two religions that agree on the Ten Commandments.
Humanity can not agree on religion.
But let’s look at the ethical commandments. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and most atheists agree that lying, theft, murder, sanctity of family, and lusting after other people’s property is bad behavior.
Upon reflection, all of these prohibitions prevent harm to others. We don’t harm others and we don’t want to be harmed. We all want to be treated well and this is the best way to treat others, hence the Golden
Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.
The Golden Rule is an ethic of unity. Everyone is treated the same. One ethical system for all people. This has been said in many ways in many cultures. But there is one doctrine that does not agree with these ethics—Islam.
Islamic Ethics
What are Islamic ethics and where do we find them? Everything in Islam is based upon the Koran (what Mohammed said that his god, Allah, said) and the words and deeds of Mohammed (called the Sunna). A Muslim repeats endlessly, “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet.” The Koran repeats again and again that Mohammed is the model or pattern for the ideal Muslim. A Muslim is not someone who worships Allah. A Muslim is someone who worships Allah exactly like Mohammed worshipped Allah. So every Muslim is a Mohammedan. There are absolutely no exceptions.
And where do we find Mohammed’s words and deeds?
1. The Traditions (or Hadith) are collections of everything Mohammed did and said. The best and most honored Hadith is by Al Bukhari.
2. The Sira is the biography of Mohammed and is written by Ibn Ishaq. The Sira is to Mohammed as the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are to Jesus.
There was not enough information in the Koran to create Islam. The Sunna (Hadith and Sira) define almost all of the doctrine of Islam.
The collection of Koran, Sira, and Hadith is called the Islamic Trilogy. The Trilogy contains the complete political doctrine of Islam. Christians have two sacred texts—Old and New Testament. Muslims have three sacred texts. For 1400 years, all three of these texts have only been read by Islamic religious and political leaders, but today these texts are easily understood.
The Trilogy overflows with ethical statements. (These are all from the Bukhari’s Hadith)
Bukhari 9,85,83 Mohammed: “A Muslim is a brother to other Muslims. He should never oppress them nor should he facilitate their oppression.”
Bukhari 8,73,70 Mohammed: “Harming a Muslim is an evil act; killing a Muslim means rejecting Allah.”
Bukhari 5,59,369 Mohammed asked, “Who will kill Ka’b (a Jewish poet), the enemy of Allah and Mohammed?”
Bin Maslama rose and responded, “O Mohammed! Would it please you if I killed him?”
Mohammed answered, “Yes.”
Bin Maslama then said, “Give me permission to deceive him with lies so that my plot will succeed.”
Mohammed replied, “You may speak falsely to him.”
A Muslim should be a brother to other Muslims (not the rest of humanity). A Muslim should not kill another Muslim. A Muslim may lie to kafirs to advance Islam.
So for Islam the ethical statements are:
Do not kill another Muslim
Do not steal from another Muslim
Do not deceive another Muslim
Islam states that a kafir can be killed, robbed, raped and deceived if it will advance Islam. A Muslim does not have to lie, cheat or kill a kafir, it is an ethical option.
Islam divides the entire world into Islam and kafirs and has two sets of ethics, one for Islam and another for the rest. The Golden Rule has the equality of all humanity as its basis. It is not: Do unto some people, as you would have them do unto you, but do unto all people as you would have them do unto you.
Islam denies the universality of the Golden Rule because Islam starts with the division of the entire world, all humanity, into two different groups—Islamic and non-Islamic. Every aspect of Islamic ethics is based upon this separation. Having two distinct groups leads to two different ethical codes. Said another way, Islam has dualistic ethics.
Deceit, violence and force are optional actions against the kafirs. Believers are to be treated as brothers and sisters. Islam’s ethics are based upon:
Good is whatever advances Islam.
Evil is whatever resists Islam.
Of Interest:
What happens to kafirs in a 'moderate' Islamic country?
A Muslim on moderate Muslims
Mosque in Rome, largest in Europe, calls for jihad
Moderate Sheik Qaradawi flays Pope's "hostile act"
Memri clip of Saudi imam on 'freedom of religion'
An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam: Part 2
This newsletter is one of a series on the subject-Newsletter #2/18
The Origin of the Politics of Islam
Mohammed preached for 13 years in Mecca and only acquired about 150 followers. Following the death of his protector and uncle, the wealthy class of Mecca ran him out of town. He left with his followers and went to Medina, a town located less than a hundred miles from Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia. There he preached for another year and obtained a hundred or so more followers.
In order to support himself and his followers, he sent men out to rob caravans from Mecca and generously distributed among them the wealth they brought back, keeping a portion for himself. Part of the wealth obtained from these raids were captives which Mohammed also distributed among his men as slaves and in some cases as wives. Slaves who agreed to convert to Islam were freed. Mohammed was never motivated by money as much as by power. He considered money a tool that could be used to fund jihad and to support his followers.
At the same time, Mohammed moved from the strictly religious or spiritual practice of Islam into a profoundly political mode. Suddenly the new Islam became popular. It was not simply a religion that would assure the poorest of the poor a place of honor in a gilded paradise, but a political system that could provide them with wealth, sex and power, all to be had for the taking from the kafir.
The word of Allah, as received and reported by Mohammed, is divided into two records. The Koran of Mecca was based on religious precepts. The Koran of Medina, however, became clearly political in scope and direction.
The belief that only Muslims are protected by Allah meant that kafirs were not afforded the usual considerations of morality, such as equality, honesty and compassion. Examples we see from Mohammed's life show that kafirs can be mocked, raped, cursed, threatened, tortured, killed, robbed or enslaved to advance the cause of Islam.
This dual system of ethics paved the way to jihad: a holy war undertaken as a Muslim duty and are reflected in the Islamic world view:
dar al Islam, land of submission
dar al harb, land of war
In contrast, the prevailing kafir world view is that all people at some fundamental level are equal, although they are not necessarily the same. Not all people are of the same ability, although all deserve to be treated fairly, compassionately and honestly. The ultimate ethical statement is referred to as The Golden Rule: "Treat others as you wish to be treated." In this view "others" and "self" are equal and all of humanity is to be accorded the same consideration. This is the ideal. We frequently fail to live up to the ideal, but is the ideal nevertheless.
The dual ethics of Islam are not as simple as separate set of ethics for the kafir. What makes political Islam so effective is that it has two stages of ethics for the kafir. It has the ethics of the Meccan Koran (written early and religious), and the ethics of the Medinan Koran (written later and political). Islam can treat the kafir well, but as an inferior (Koran of Mecca), or treat him as an enemy of Allah (Koran of Medina). Both actions are sanctioned as sacred in the Koran. Islamic apologists always refer to the Meccan ethics.
The Two Civilizations
Ethics are of primary importance. Ethics determine how you treat someone else. The ethic of unity is the basis of democracy, the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.
It was the Golden Rule that lead to the end of slavery. All civil rights was based upon the Golden Rule. Notice this is about politics, not religion. The Golden Rule goes beyond religion.
There are only two types of ethics-unity and dualistic. And so there are two civilizations-those based upon ethics of unity and those based upon dualistic ethics.
This is the crux of the matter. Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, Jain and most atheists subscribe to the Golden Rule. A Hindu has the same ethics as a Christian. Both are workers, hold family in high regard and don't lie, cheat or steal. Of course, some do, but they can be judged, shamed and condemned on the basis of the Golden Rule ethical system.
A Muslim is not subject to the Golden Rule, and so does not feel shame at the suffering of the kafirs. Take slavery, for instance. Christians can be shamed over slavery. Islam has a 1400-year history of slavery, including running the slave trade that sold the Africans to the Christians. There are no Islamic books that recall the slave trade in any detail and express any regret.
There has never been a book written where a Muslim recalls the historic suffering of jihad and has remorse or shame. Every history of jihad is glorious. Mohammed killed and enslaved the kafirs and established the ideal pattern for all Muslims. Mohammed never felt remorse or shame, so a Muslim feels no remorse or shame over any suffering caused by jihad.
This lack of regret or sorrow is what should be expected of a dualistic ethical civilization.
The kafirs cannot unite on the basis of religion, but we are already united on the basis of an ethics of unity. We just need to understand our common ethical ground. If we understand that we are all members of a unitary ethical civilization, we can also unite to defend ourselves against the attack by the dualistic ethical system of Islam.
Bill Warner
Of Interest:
Most Westerners think of the Islamic mosque as a church, primarily a place of worship. A mosque is much more than this. These articles give a clear picture of its functions.
Part One
Part Two
An Ethical Basis for War Against Political Islam: Part 3
This newsletter is one of a series on the subject
Islam and Political Islam
Throughout the world, Islam is perceived as a religion, but it moved quickly from strictly religious teachings into one of the world's most successful political systems. Political Islam has an unbroken 1400-year history and continues to spread rapidly today through immigration and population growth as well as military conquest. The most recent of these wars of conquest is that of the Islamic regime of Khartoum, which is actively engaged in a genocidal war against Sudanese Christians and Animists.
In its early years, the spread of Islam both as a religion and as a political and military force was explosive. Within ten years after Mohammed established an Islamic city-state in Medina he had absorbed the divided tribes of Arabia into one nation.
Religious vs. Political islam
Religious Islam is focused on Five Pillars:
Repeating the creed, "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his final prophet."
Praying five times a day facing in the direction of Mecca.
Contributing to charity to benefit other Muslims.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan.
Going on pilgrimage to Mecca.
None of the Five Pillars includes the non-Islamic world. Jihad, which is incumbent on all Muslims, is sometimes called the Sixth Pillar, but the first five pillars are religious and jihad is political.
Religious Islam strictly deals with Muslims. Political Islam is the doctrine that drives all Islamic policy about the kafirs.
Political Duality
In the Sunna, the part of the Trilogy that records Mohammed's actions, jihad, slavery, killing and oppression are clearly considered ethical when used to advance Islam. It is this "us" and "them" mentality that results in an ethical inequality, the duality, that is inherent in Islam. And, according to Muslims, the laws of Islam are eternal and cannot be changed, reformed or altered. It is ordained by Allah. It was not created by Man. It is permanent and it is universal and no on has the right to amend or reform it.
The Koran, the Hadith and the Sira all emphasize that the only politics recognized by Allah are the politics of Islam. From that viewpoint, all governments must become Islamic in order to preserve peace, because Muslims can use the violence of jihad on any Free who do not submit.
Mohammed was a master of this dualistic thinking. He used the tribal jealousies and conflicts to convert, conquer and unite on a global scale. Populations quickly recognized that they would fare better as Muslims under Islam, than as "others," or kafirs. While the kafirs are unimpressed by Islam's threats of Hell as the only hereafter available to kafirs, they do care about how they are treated ethically and legally in this plane of existence. However, Islam declares that all kafirs are second-class citizens.
In the Islamic Trilogy, the kafirs can be treated well only if they submit to the demands of Islam. The sacred texts of Islam are adamant that domination is the only way to treat the kafirs.
Stages of Duality
Islam has two modes of Koranic behavior-the Koran of Mecca and the Koran of Medina. In Mecca, Mohammed was weak and Islam was beginning and the Koran of Mecca is religious. In Medina, Mohammed became political and strong. So the Koran of Medina is political, violent, judgment and demanding.
Bear patiently with what the kafirs say, and leave their company without recrimination. Leave to Me those that deny the Truth, those that enjoy the comforts of this life; bear with them yet a little while. Koran of Mecca 73:10
Mohammed is the perfect Muslim. At first he was nice, then demanding, then violent. Demanding as in: if you don't do what Islam dictates, first come the threats and then come the violence.
So the "good" Muslim is a Meccan Muslim.
In Medina Mohammed transformed the religion of Islam into a political system. Killing, theft, and rape became sacralized. He became powerful and the Koranic message changed. A terrorist follows the Koran from Medina.
Prophet, make war on the kafirs and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate.
Koran of Medina 66:9
These Koranic verses contradict each other. How do you tell which one to follow? Simple. According to the Koran, the later verse replaces the earlier verse. And where ever there is contradiction, the Koran of Medina abrogates the Koran of Mecca.
But knowing which verses to follow is much more complicated than that. The "nice" Koran of Mecca is still to be used if Islam is weak in political power. When Islam has the strength-force is the answer; use the Koran of Medina. All verses can be used as needed. The Koran is duality.
The Koran also establishes a different form of logic. Since the Koran is both true and contradictory it violates the normal rules of logic. In unitary logic if something is contradictory it is false. But the Koran is contradictory and true. This is dualistic logic. So Islam operates under a different form of reasoning than the rest of the world.
The Practice of Islamic Politics
The practical outcome of this dualistic thinking in government by Islam is the following:
Force, pressure, demands, and violence are always options.
Sharia (Islamic) law must replace all other forms of law and government
Jihad must be practiced
Jihad must be everywhere, in all aspects of private and public life in the dar al harb (land of war)
The jihadists must imitate history's model of the perfect political Muslim: Mohammed.
Islam is not just the faith of another immigrant group. No, political Islam is here to Islamicize us. Our culture must submit to the culture of Islam. That has been Islam's mandate towards every other culture for 1400 years, and here and now it's no different. Islam is devoted to an unchanging doctrine, to follow Mohammed's plan until all the earth is Islamic. This goal is repeated stated in the Koran, the Sira and the Hadith. In short, all Muslims agree with the goal; they just differ on which method of the duality ethics-peaceful tactics or violent ones-is the most efficient way to reach the goal of dominance.
The political nature of Islam is to control 100% of the public sphere: the media, books, poetry, music, art, the law, constitutions, dress, food, the courts. If something is in the public domain, then Islam must control it. That means this book or anything that stakes out fundamental rights of the kafirs is forbidden by Islam.
Political Islam has another feature. It never acknowledges and never apologizes. In the last 1400 years jihad has killed more than 270 million of the kafirs, yet political Islam denies having killed a single soul. Islam denies its role in slavery, even though every black slave sold to a white man was wholesaled by a Muslim. Islam has even carried on the slave trade in the 20th and 21st centuries and has never made a single acknowledgment or apology; there is no guilt. Muslims feel shame if they fail but never guilt about their successes. After all, their ethical doctrine supports all of their positions.
Bill Warner
copyright 2008, CBSX, Inc. dba
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