Islamic (Qur’anic) and Arabic GLOSSARY
Arabic Transliteration to English
Dar al-Harb - House of War – the entire non-Muslim World
Dar al-Islam - House of Islam
Dawa -“Call” signifies an invitation to join the faith of Islam or the spreading of the message of Islam.
Day of Judgment*- Belief in the Day of Judgment is a basic article of faith in Islam. After Allah ends the present world and order of creation, a day will follow on which he will judge every person according to his or her intentions, deeds, and circumstances. Judgment by God is followed by punishment in Hell or eternal reward in paradise.
Deen* - A term commonly used to mean “religion”, but actually referring to the totality of Muslim beliefs and practices. Thus, Islam as a deen is a “complete way of life” (According to his or her intentions, deeds, and circumstances (as applies toward other Muslims only.)
Dhikr - Remembrance and reminder.
Dhimmi - A person belonging to the category of “protected people” “ahl ad-dhimmah”. Similar to Jews in pre WWII Germany. Must pay special tax. (Known in the west as Slavery. Slaves must pay for the honor of being slaves.)
Dhul-Hajjah* - Islamic lunar calendar.
Dome of the Rock* - Name of the famous masjid in Jerusalem built around 691 C.E. b the Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik. The rock within the masjid structure is believed to be the point from which Muhammad was miraculously ascended to Heaven in 619 C.E.
Du’a*- Personal prayer, supplication, and communication with Allah, as distinct from salah (formal worship). Du’as can be made in any language, whereas salah is performed in Arabic.
Eid* - “Festivity” or “Celebration”.
Eid al-Fitr – after Ramadan
Eid aladha – at the time of Hajj.
Greeting during Eid “Eid Mubarak” (May your holiday be blessed.”
Emir - (or amir) Commander, prince, or tribal chief
Fard* - Required or obligatory belief or practice in Islam.
(al-) Fatihah* - “The Opening” chapter of the Qur’an and is recited during the daily formal worship, comprised of seven short verses and summarizes the essential beliefs of Muslims and the obligation of human beings to seek guidance and aid from Allah alone.
Fatwa* - Singular –formal legal opinion on Islamic Law
Fatwin - Plural
Fiqh* - Islamic jurisprudence – “understanding” Refers to the body of knowledge and legal opinions developed by Muslim jurists and scholars from the primary sources in Islam, the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Fiqh is essentially the interpretation and application of Shari’ah to specific circumstances or issues.
Fitna - “sedition” or “rebellion” Refers to a Muslim civil war.
Fitrah* - An Arabic term designating the innate, original spiritural orientation of every human being towards God he Creator. Muslims believe that God endowed everything in creation with a tendency towards goodness, piety and God – consciousness, and that one’s environment, upbringing, and circumstances serve to enhance or obscure this tendency.
Five Pillars of Islam* - The term referring to the five core religious practices incumbent upon all Muslims and which demonstrates a Muslim’s commitment to God in Word and in deed. They are as follows: Ahadadah (declaration of Faith), Salah (formal worship), Zakah (mandatory alms-giving tax), Sawm (fasting during Ramadan), and Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).
Approaching the Qur’an, the Early Revelations, Introduced and Translated by Michael Sells, White Cloud Press, Ashland, Oregon
Islam, Opposing Viewpoints, Jennifer A. Hurley, Book Editor, Greenhaven Press, Inc., San Diego, CA
Hatred’s Kingdom, How Saudi Arabia Supports the New Global Terrorism, Dore Gold, Regnery Publishing, Inc
*Teaching About Islam & Muslims in the Public School Classroom, A Handbook for Educators, 3rd edition, CAIR ISBN 1-93109-00-8
It is clearly seen that all derogatory terminology to non-Muslims is absent from the CAIR publication. Another example of taqiyya and kitman.
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